Thursday, July 28, 2011

The First's...

LOVE documenting things on camera. LOVE capturing moments on film. LOVE writing things down. All to create or recreate a memory or to remember. This past weekend, Giselle - 6 1/2 months old proved to be a weekend of "firsts."
She held her bottle all by herself for the FIRST time. She sat up by herself for the very FIRST time. She is almost crawling for the very FIRST time. When you carry a child for 9 months, you WORRY. Then you give birth and you WORRY some more, when you see the growth progress and the babies transform, you feel a little more at ease. And with time, you begin to EXHALE just a little bit more. Or at least I DO.

I captured all of these special "firsts" on video or picture and would like to share them with each and every one of YOU. ENJOY.
I say this often and I will continue to say this, but each day or week continues to bless us with a SURPRISE from one or both girls. I WELCOME it and I EMBRACE it. Whether it be something new and surprising OR prove to be CHALLENGING. Love you all and am thankful you are a special part of our lives and theirs. Be well and SMILE.

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