Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Carrot

Before I begin, I must disclose...MOM, I know you raised me better and I would normally not talk about such things, however I am just SO EXCITED, I just can't help but talk about it. And SHOW you a PICTURE : ) Insert SMILE here! So in advance, please forgive me. Perhaps, the Koditek side is coming out in me....
Let me begin by telling you that Isabella is potty training and she is 3 years old. If it were up to me, she would have been potty trained at 1 1/2, but I guess it doesn't work that way. From what I am told, they are ready when they are ready. Which at times, can be very frustrating. We have been taking her to the toilet every hour and letting her wear underwear, however just about every time, she wets everything. And then it is DRAMA. The crying, the meltdowns, the changes of clothes x 15. I just keep repeating to myself "POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT."
Well, every night Isabella disappears into another room to go to the bathroom in her pants. Tonight, she disappeared and I said ISABELLA - LET'S MAKE A CARROT IN THE TOILET!!! What?!! I couldn't believe that I had said that. But I did. She started crying hysterically. I walked her to the toilet, pulled down her pants. At first, she wanted me right by her side while she planted the "GOODS" in the toilet. But I told her I had to go attend to Baby G and feed her dinner. So she asked me to close the door. I fulfilled her wish, and I must say, I was SO EXCITED when I came back to this present in the toilet! Do you know what this means? One kid is out of diapers. Monumental!

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