Monday, November 14, 2011

Could Giselle in Fact Be Walking Soon?

Giselle has been standing straight up for quite some time now and is very strong. Her school is amazed at home strong she is compared to the other babies and their ages. About a couple of weeks ago, I guesstimated that she would be walking in about a month.
Well today, I witnessed Giselle taking two complete steps forward then plopping down. We are all taking bets between home and school as to when she will start walking. This time always proves to be so exciting. I love it when they start walking..yet Bob loves the baby phase. While I will be sad that she no longer wants to be held like a baby, I am excited about her next phase and opportunity to explore everything and anything. I give her about 3 1/2 more weeks from today's date until she starts walking. She soooo badly wants to be like her big sister, Isabella.

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