Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Talkin Bout My Girls....My Girls...Talkin Bout My Girls....

It's that time of the year again where there is school pictures and I gotta tell ya, I am a tough critic. Here they are...and I have a hard copy for every family member. We are just missing the solo of Baby G. WAHOO...!!
Today at lunch, I was asked about the personality traits of both Isabella and Giselle. Gosh, how to answer or where to begin. Both girls are so dramatically different - in their own unique, special ways.
Isabella is effervescent, full of energy, witty, passionate about life, creative, adventurous, sleepy - in the sense that she will rise with the crows and take an afternoon nap for up to four hours sometimes, and lastly, shy - until she warms up to you and then SUNSHINE.
Baby G or Giselle - well, she bats her eyelashes, is a little more shy and reserved and for goodness sakes, the girl ALWAYS has a SMILE on her face - that LIGHTS UP A ROOM, full of energy, never takes a nap and if so it's a cat nap, determined, loves to EAT. I think it is a little bit early to fully pinpoint all of Giselle's characteristics or personality traits at 10 months, however there are several that are apparent right now.
I only wish both girls did not have my energy level. They both go and go and go like the energizer bunny. I was hoping that one of them might be a little more laid back, like Bob. As their mother, I too, have a high energy level and wish that I could tone it down a notch.
Perhaps in time, these girls shall teach me a thing or to and vice verso.

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