Thursday, November 17, 2011

How Quickly I Had Forgotten...

and then all of a sudden, I remembered and had that "deja vu" moment. All too quickly. Last night had to be the most trying night of all. Baby G woke up screaming every hour (not kidding when I say every hour). I am a very light sleeper and every time she finished crying, I had just fallen asleep and then she was crying again. It was a night filled with a tug of war. Worry, Comforting Her, Sleep, Awake, Trying to Fall Asleep, Repeat.
Baby G is 10 1/2 months old and normally babies start teething anywhere 4 - 7 months. Well, Baby G is has 4 teeth coming in all at once at 10 1/2 months! Bless her heart! Fever, irritability, not sleeping. I can only imagine the pain she is in. I wish I could magically just make those teeth pop out so that she would not be in any pain. I remember Isabella had one tooth come in at a time and she would only scream once through the night here and there.
It appears Baby G has ALL at once. Whew! Rockstar that she is.
Tonight, I gave her a warm bath, let her chew on a teething ring, gave her some pain reliever and rubbed some homeopathic teething gel on her gums. I can't stand to see her suffer, so if last night repeats itself, I am going to scoop her up and let her sleep on my chest so I can comfort her. Think of Baby G and hope that she gets back to her big SMILES soon!

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