Saturday, December 10, 2011

Merry Christmas

from Isabella, Giselle, Baxter, Bob and Sandy! Today, we ventured off to Petco for a picture with Santa. We got there, dressed in all of our Christmas gear and everyone was looking at us like we were crazy. Bob said, "Sandy, where are the photos with Santa at?" I said, they have to be around here somewhere! So I stopped an employee of the store and she said we are NOT DOING photos with Santa. Rats... I meant well. WHOOPSIES...
So off to PetSmart we went. I knew it was Pet something because I had called earlier in the week after my sister asked me if we were going to see Santa (whew! Thanks for the reminder!)......Sure enough, we arrived at PetSmart and it was a madhouse! Everyone and their pets were there to get a photo with Santa.
So while you can't get everyone to look at the camera at the same time, at least we got the Vail crew together for a family photo opp.

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