Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Can I feed Giselle

This morning at breakfast, Isabella asked me if she could feed Giselle. SURE THING I replied. So I got her all set up and she was so proud to be feeding baby G. And judging by Giselle's smiles, I think she liked it too!
On another note, Isabella has not been feeling well since last Thursday. She had a fever for four days, a cough and green and yellow gook coming out of her nose. My dr.'s appt. was at 10:15 a.m. I arrived at 9:50. They took us back in the room at 10:00 a.m. The doctor finally came in the room to see us at 11:35 a.m.
I was so mad that I was seeing red. I knew if I opened my mouth and said something about waiting over an hour and a half to be seen, that nothing nice at all would come out or of the situation. When I get that mad, I can't even talk. My time is just as valuable as his. There is no eating or drinking in the office. Baby G was STARVING and by this time it was her nap time. Isabella's too. They were both screaming their heads off. You get my drift.
After that circus, he prescribed amoxicillian for Isabella to treat her sinustis. He also mentioned that she probably had a touch of the flu as well. I hope Baby G remains healthy through this.
Next week, I have a dr.'s appt. for BOTH girls for their wellness check up's - Giselle's one year and Isabella's three year. Perhaps I will show up to my appointment with the girls an hour and a half late..........

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