Wednesday, January 11, 2012

WHERE is the QUALITY of CARE or CUSTOMER SERVICE for that matter?

Today, I received a call from the school. Giselle is running 102 fever. Have to go and pick her up - at 11:30 a.m. I call the doctor and ask to speak with the nurse - there are none for the day. Say What? So I leave a message for the doctor. He calls me back at 6:20 p.m. Really? Perhaps my expectations are way to high, however I expected a call back sooner than this evening with whether or not I should bring her in based on her symptoms too close to Isabella's.
So he call's me back and I start telling him Giselle's symptoms. I reference that I am sure he can remember from our appt. yesterday that she was quite fussy. Perhaps she had a fever then. So he asked me how old each of the girls were. I told him Izzy was 3 and Giselle was 1. So then he said.....well keep Isabella on her antibiotics and just monitor her.
WHOAAA.... I said WHAT?? I am not calling about Isabella, I am calling about Giselle. So should I just keep an eye on her and give her pain reliever? He says YES. REALLY? First, you keep me waiting in your office for almost 2 hours yesterday, second I call you and you can't even keep which kid I am referencing straight here. REALLY??!! WOW!
Where is the quality of care here OR customer service. Perhaps we were spoiled, however when we took Isabella to her doctor at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago - it was 5 stars, 100% quality care, all day every day. The doctor rocked! No customer service issues or doctor visit issues.
Cheers to hoping both Giselle and Isabella feel better soon....and to me for finding a happy medium in quality care provided by physician's for the girls.

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