Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Girls Doctor Visit

Yesterday, the girls went to the doctor for their check-up. Isabella's 3 year old check up and Giselle's 1 year old check up.
Giselle's height is 30.5 inches, her weight is 19 lbs and her head cir is 45.25 cm. She received 3 shots and a prick on her finger.
Isabella received one shot and weighs 32.5 pounds, her height is 39.25 and her head cir is 49 cm. Look at the numbers. Giselle is only one years old and her head cir is almost as big as her 3 year old sister, Isabella.
Both girls are doing very well. They were a little tired from their shots yesterday but all is well. Isabella is over being sick.
They just built a new hospital about 5 minutes away from the house, so I am going to look at changing pediatrician's this week. This will be my third change in doctors for the girls. Our current doctor is about 20 minutes away from our house each way. I will be excited for a 5 minute car ride and hopefully, some good, quality healthcare.

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