Monday, April 16, 2012

Giselle's 15 month check-up

Baby G had her 15 month check-up today and I don't know who was more traumatized. Was it me, Isabella, or baby g? Well, I think it was all of us! I had to pin baby g's arms down while the nurse gave her 4 shots in her legs. Baby g was crying because she was scared and in pain and Isabella was screaming her head off because she had to watch all of those needles going in baby g. And me, well my heart ached just listening to them both cry. I told the nurse that next time, daddy gets to bring them in. Shoot, I don't even take Baxter to the vet because I can't stand listening to him cry because he is so scared. Makes me wonder how I can be so strong when it comes to so many things - but doctors and hospitals just are not for me.
Giselle got her varicella, mmr and hepatitis b shots today. She weighs a whole 21 pounds and is 31 inches tall. The doctor was asking me how she eats and I said, like a HORSE! The girls eats NON-STOP. She is always going "MORE." The nurse informed me that she could perhaps break out in a head to toe rash from one of the shots and also develop a fever of 102 which could happen up to two weeks after her shots - so I am going to keep a close eye out for a couple of weeks.
Other than that, Baby G is very happy, loves her sister unconditionally, sleeps good, says about 10 words and is a very good sleeper..... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

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