Monday, September 24, 2012

As Summer Comes to An End

The beautiful fall weather approaches us.  I look forward to Halloween, what the girls will choose to wear for their costumes and how we can SCARE the next.  Meanwhile, I am sad that with the recent frosts, that all of our produce will stop growing, hence no more fresh homemade tomato sauce on the stove, no more stuffed jalepeno poppers, and no more stuffed peppers.  There is nothing better than homemade.
Until then, the girls and I will continue to enjoy the fall weather.  Me, watching them play aimlessley outside with their toys until it is too cold.  While I was grilling out today, I admired how wonderful they played together at ages 4 and 2.  How Baby G ADMIRES Isabella and vice versa.

 Me, grilling dinner outside until I can't take it anymore.  Visiting the fall festival's from local to far and cuddling in between with my peeps.  For some reason this season, I am sad, as I feel that fall came way too fast.  But isn't that what everyone always says...maybe I am just starting to realize how quickly the seasons fly by.  None the less, I welcome the sweaters, the pot roast with carrots and potatoe's, the chili, the football games.  BRING IT.  I'm a midwestern girl and WELCOME it all. 

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Isabella's 4th Birthday Celebration

WHAT a day!  Filled with FUN, SMILES, FAMILY and YUMMY food.    Today we had a little family gathering to celebrate Isabella's 4th birthday!  Pulled pork sandwiches, coleslaw, baked beans and some appetizer's.
I didn't have the opportunity to make some homemade cupcakes this year, as it has been my tradition to make homemade yumminess -  however the kiddos thought they were a hit.  As always, I enjoyed the family "self-timed" photo.  It holds a special place in my heart and someday, the girls will look back and feel just the same.
Thank YOU ALL.  For making Isabella's birthday special.  XOXOXO

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Isabella Marie Vail

What a sweet little girl you are!  We love watching you blossom and grow from year to year!  Today, Isabella got to enjoy all of her friends at school for her birthday.  It was very important to her to share cupcakes with all of her friends, so we brought hello kitty cupcakes for everyone!

After school, she got to enjoy a birthday party with mom, dad, baby g and baxie!  Being the big sister that Isabella is, she shared her cupcake with Baby G.

Thanks to aunt jenny, uncle mike, tristan michael, grandpa and grandma koditek for the sweet birthday messages!  Aunt Dawn, Uncle Mark and cousin Sydney sang to Isabella, Monica wished her a special day and Allyson & family decorated the front door and brought her a hello kitty present this evening!  Thanks to EVERYONE who took the time out of their day to wish sweet Isabella a great birthday!  She had a SUPER great day and it meant alot to her to know that you all wished her a great day or were thinking of her.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

September 1, 2012

Five days before Isabella's 4th birthday.  8 a.m.  Baby G and I step outside on a Saturday morning to pick some apples to make some apple pies.   I had been up since 5 a.m. 

We leave Isabella inside with daddy. 
Baby G and I come back in only to hear Bob yelling OH MY GOD, YOU CUT ALL OF YOUR HAIR OFF.  I look over with my basket of apples with baby g only to see that Isabella has in fact, personally CUT ALL OF HER HAIR OFF.  I am speechless.....

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...