Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Day

A Poem From Isabella & Giselle.....

To my Mom and Dad for Thanksgiving
Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the clothes we wear,
Thank you for that special treat,
Thank you for your loving care,
Thank you for being my mom and dad.
You have made me very glad!

Everyone is thankful for something.  Today I am thankful for such a loving, healthy family.  Both near and far.  Although we all can't be together on this day, everyone is in our hearts and on our minds.

Today we cooked a turkey breast, mashed potato's n gravy, wild rice, a green bean casserole and some fresh sour dough bread.  Accompanied by a homemade apple pie that Bob made.  The girls enjoyed our feast, dressed in their Thanksgiving day crafts and loved up on "Thomas the Turkey."

Once we were finished eating, we relaxed, took a few ZZZZZ'ssss....then tackled putting the Christmas tree up.  Now that baths are over and we are all in our jammies - it's time for a MOVIE and POPCORN!!!
Love you all XOXOXOXOX

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