Monday, May 19, 2014

Celebrating 100 years and White Fence Farm

On Saturday, we ventured up to the city and made a day of it. Bob had received Cubs tickets through work that were right behind home plate and it just so happened to be that the Cubs were celebrating 100 years. 1914-2014. The girls have been to several White Sox games but never to Wrigley Field. Before hitting the game, we stopped at D'Agostino's pizza where they all had pizza and I enjoyed a nice, grilled chicken wrap. There was a train that kept circling the ceiling and the girls were quite amused with that. After pizza, they enjoyed a snow cone and off to the game we went. Neither girl seemed interested in the game, but Bob and I enjoyed it as we devoured a bag of peanuts with the girls. And of course a game would not be a game, without cotton candy! The Cubs were playing the Milwaukee Brewers and the Cubs ended up winning! Yes! Giselle was toast by the end and fell asleep in the car. Isabella was of course, five alive as always. On Sunday it was such a beautiful day, that we all decided to have a picnic in the park. My idea of a picnic is packing a cute little basket filled with yummy goodies and spreading out a blanket. Bob was craving White Fence Farm fried chicken though. I remember my grandparents always getting that chicken but I didn't recall eating it or what it even tasted like. I have not ate fried chicken since December 2010. I remember the date so clearly because I was pregnant with Giselle and told Bob I had a taste for fried chicken, so he took me to Brown's. Hours later, I could not stop throwing up and Bob said I think it's time to take you to the hospital. I had got food poisoning from that fried chicken while pregnant and they ended up admitting me to the hospital, where I spent almost 2 days recovering. Bob was initially in the room with me but then he had to go home because he started throwing up like crazy and had also got food poisoning. So I'm still trying to get over the whole fried chicken experience. I have had a craving lately for Popeyes, but since Bob wanted White Fence Farm, I took one for the team. We picked up the chicken which came with cole slaw, corn fritters and French fries. Once at the park, we spread out a blanket, took our shoes off and enjoyed lunch. Afterwards, the girls played for hours and we enjoyed the beautiful day. What is my review on White Fence Farm? Chicken was DRY. GREASY. Not crunchy. The corn fritters were SOGGY and so were the French fries. Cole slaw? Not that exciting either. Overall YUCK! I think I will stick to my mom's fried chicken OR popeyes the next time I want fried chicken...which will be like a year from now : )

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