Monday, May 01, 2017

April Showers Bring May Flowers...

Or should I say Lake Vail?  Over the last several days, we have had an incredible amount of rain.  When we get a lot of rain, the back of our property floods by the girls playhouse. When they got off of the bus from school today, they wanted to play on their swing set.  I told them they could, however to STAY away from all of the water..........
While I was on the phone with my girlfriend Monica, admiring my tulip bulbs that I had planted last fall - it was then, that I looked up and saw my girls.  And WHAT they were doing.  They had taken off their coats, socks and shoes and were frolicking around in the water that I had told them to stay away from.
How could I be upset??!!!  Well, I couldn't.  My first reaction was a SMILE.  My eyes lit up. My second reaction was....  I should probably JOIN them.  Instead, I walked to the end of the driveway and admired their cheerfulness.  At how they were making the best of April/May showers and it flooding our property.  And then I captured their carefree spirits as they were running, smiling, and getting wet on a 49 degree day.  I bet they were dreaming of summer and warmer days...

After wards, they came inside and took a warm shower and put on their jammies.  Creating MEMORIES.....  I LOVE their little personalities.  So different.  And oh so lovable. 

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