Monday, June 19, 2017

Camp Invention 2017

Last week the girls got to participate in a week long camp called "Camp Invention."  What is Camp Invention?  It is a program designed to bring Science, Technology, Engineering and Math subjects to life through hands-on activities.  (I wish they had a camp like this for adults, I would love it!)  The children who participate rotate through four modules to build their creativity, strengthen their problem solving skills and gain a foundation for developing an innovative mindset.

Last year, Isabella participated and made a cricket that was solar powered, it was very creative.  The girls had to bring in a bag at the beginning of the week filled with old electronics and crafts to up cycle.  I sent them with two old DVD players - those are always fun to disassemble! 

On their first day, the girls were virtually introduced to National Inventors Hall of Fame Inductee JD Albert - one of the inventors of Electronic Ink.  He challenged the girls to think about the powerful connection between being an inventor and entrepreneur. 
On the second day, they were MISSION SPACE MAKERS!  They got to learn all about space.  They created Space Labs, complete with plants, sea life, crystals and an animal egg.
On the third day, they made bubble gums and homemade alarms.  And the last two days, they spent disassembling their DVD players and making creative crafts.
On the last day of camp, the parents were invited to come preview all the Inventions that our campers made.  Isabella and Giselle were very excited to walk us around each classroom and show us their creations from the week.
I captured a few photos from the week.  Can you guess which little girl absolutely LOVED this camp?

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