Wednesday, February 24, 2010


In the midst of a busy day...proposing a bond deal, working all of the numbers, meeting with the mayor, driving 50 miles or more and traveling often - Bob always finds time for Izzy and his family. He is truly a diamond in the ruff. It is never "I am too tired Sandy or I don't feel good." Or "Sandy, I need some alone time." It is NEVER any of those things.
He is loyal to his work and his family and for that, I admire him. He is dedicated. A trooper. A hard worker and most importantly, a PHONEMONIAL dad.
While talking with my mom on the phone today, I couldn't help but laugh and captured these photos. She said - what are you laughing at - and it is these things - that keep you going and SMILING!! Props out to Mom and Dad V - for raising a great son with good morales and values, father, leader, mentor and best friend. You did a GREAT JOB, and for that, you should SMILE and BE PROUD!

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