Monday, April 26, 2010

The Weekend

Isabella had a very exciting weekend. On Saturday, we all went to the hospital to meet Isabella's new cousin, Tristan Michael. Although she did not get to hold him, she did get to see him through the glass window! All she kept saying was TRISTAN MICHAEL...
On Sunday, Bob headed off to the Sox game with some friends. It was cold and rainy, so Izzy and I went to visit Monike, Lauren and Nia. After playing for several hours, I headed home and put Iz kid down for a nap. She slept from 3 - 6 p.m. When she woke up, we captured this video.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Erie Park

Took Iz kid to Erie Park today after work. The sun was shining here in Chicago and it was a crisp 53 degrees, so why not head out and celebrate SUNSHINE, LIFE, LOVING and so much more!
If I have said it before, I will probably continue to say it a thousand times...each day that I get to experience with little Isabella is a SURPRISE. I love her smile when she experiences new things, a new word that comes out of her mouth, an action never seen before or a BIG HUG AND KISS!
This little girl is adventurous, full of smiles and inquisitive! When I came home from work she said ARE WE GOING? So I said YES!!! and I put her coat on and we rocked it for a couple of hours!
I cherish the JOY that she brings to my very SOUL.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Let's GO White SOX

Today was a very relaxing day! We slept in a bit, made and ate breakfast together and then headed off to a White Sox game. The weather was beautiful here in Chicago -sun was shining and 70 plus degrees.
Isabella was fortunate enough to run into and meet Minnie Minoso, born November 25, 1925 in Havana, Cuba. Minnie is the ONLY baseball player to have played professionally in 7 different decades. The three of us were walking down the streets of Chicago, Minnie pulled his caddie over, got out of the car, gave a homeless man some money, then looked at Isabella and said "Hi, darlin." Bob told Izzy that it was Minnie and she said HI MINNIE (I am sure she was thinking of Mickey Mouse). He got a BIG SMILE from ear to ear. Then she said BYE MINNIE! He looked really good for his age.We walked away and later Minnie drove by us, honked and waved to Izzy.
I had no idea who Minnie was until today.....
Isabella rocked the entire baseball game but unfortunately, they lost! Once we got home, she took a four hour nap. We woke her up just to eat dinner and then put her back to bed.
Guess she was exhausted after walking to the train, walking around the entire stadium, watching the baseball game for three hours, running down the ramps on the way out, walking to the train again, walking home on Chicago avenue and walking up the stairs.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Mr. Potato Head

When you look at this picture of Mr. Potato Head, do you notice anything missing? A true fan of Mr. Potato knows immediately what is missing from this photo. OR if you have a good eye, you know as well. I bet Dawn could answer this question right now! She likes to look at two photos of a room filled with people and point out what the difference is between the two photos - like the ones featured in the back of US weekly. (I do too.)
I will let you think about what is missing while I tell you about the favoured Mr. Potato Head! Isabella received MPH on Easter Sunday. This is her second Mr. Potato Head...I got her the first. Bob got her the second. I never told Bob what happened to the initial. Baxie discovered Mr. you know who and shredded him to pieces, one day at a time. First, the ears, then the mouth, then the hat, the eyes, the arms...until ONLY the POTATO was left.
Only two days later, the new Mr. Potato you know who is missing his EARS and his tongue. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.
We even bought Baxie Easter "bones" so he would not be jealous of Izzy's Easter basket. It is not working.
So perhaps for Christmas, we will buy Baxie HIS very OWN MR. POTATO HEAD.....
Or, better yet, this could be my very own proposal that MAYBE it is time for Baxie to have a brother or sister of his own kind. The more the merrier? Right??!! It is only fair he has a buddy to play with so he doesn't resort to Mr. Plastic potato head!! A white yorkie mixed with poodle? For a yorkidoodle?

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Easter - Grandpa GO...Motorcycle

Isabella rocked out this weekend from Friday until Sunday afternoon. Friday, Izzy and I went to Monica's mothers house in the evening for Good Friday and shared a yummy, authentic Mexican meal together. Monica's family always makes you feel so welcome and loved! Isabella got to meet FI FI - the chiwawa dog that she fell in love with!
On Saturday, we headed to Aunt Jenny & Uncle Mikey's house where Izzy went on an Easter egg hunt and got to see Grandma & Grandpa Vail. She was super excited about her hunt that Aunt Jenny strategically placed through the house! Very creative! We all shared appetizer's together and Bob learned how to play guitar hero! Saturday evening, Bob and I colored eggs with Iz kid.
Lastly, on Sunday we went to great Grandma Betty's house and shared an Easter dinner together with Grandma Chug & Grandpa Dale. Isabella sure does love her grandpa's and daddy! She is definitely not a mama's girl! After grandpa Dale took off on his motorcycle, Izzy was in a frazzle for the remainder of the afternoon and well into the evening. All we have been hearing is GRANDPA DALE GO and MOTORCYCLE! Meanwhile, grandma Chug tried to soothe Izzy from her crying tizzy and they picked Daffodils in great grandma Betty's yard. Happy Easter to all of you and I am thankful we could all share this holiday together!! At the end of the day, being with your loved ones, is VERY HEART WARMING! LOVE YOU!!

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...