Thursday, July 28, 2011

The First's...

LOVE documenting things on camera. LOVE capturing moments on film. LOVE writing things down. All to create or recreate a memory or to remember. This past weekend, Giselle - 6 1/2 months old proved to be a weekend of "firsts."
She held her bottle all by herself for the FIRST time. She sat up by herself for the very FIRST time. She is almost crawling for the very FIRST time. When you carry a child for 9 months, you WORRY. Then you give birth and you WORRY some more, when you see the growth progress and the babies transform, you feel a little more at ease. And with time, you begin to EXHALE just a little bit more. Or at least I DO.

I captured all of these special "firsts" on video or picture and would like to share them with each and every one of YOU. ENJOY.
I say this often and I will continue to say this, but each day or week continues to bless us with a SURPRISE from one or both girls. I WELCOME it and I EMBRACE it. Whether it be something new and surprising OR prove to be CHALLENGING. Love you all and am thankful you are a special part of our lives and theirs. Be well and SMILE.

Monday, July 18, 2011


There is just something about her. From the moment I met her she has captured my soul. The way she looks at you or the camera when you are taking her picture. I think it is her angelic eyes that look so relaxing to me or her blonde hair. Or her chubby cheeks. Her smiles and laid back nature. I'm talking about Giselle here. Because we all know Isabella is a fireball. Full of ENERGY all day everyday. Until her batteries run low and then she crashes. Just like her mommy. Who knows, Giselle could turn out just the same. They tell me she only take 2 20 minute naps during the day at school. And for all of you that know a baby about 6 months, know that she should be sleeping about 4 hours per day if not more. Not Giselle or Isabella.
I captured Giselle over the weekend in the pool. She looks like a pro, looking into the lens of the camera. Meanwhile, big sister Isabella is learning to swim. Before, she would only go in the pool in or on a raft. Now she jumps in all by herself and floats around the pool with her swimmies on. She never wants to get out!

Friday, July 08, 2011

Big Sister = Loves Up on Little Sister

ah, the love. the rivalry. the jealousy. Bob and I already see these 3 emotions on a daily basis at such a young age between both daughters. Sometimes they love each other. Sometimes they laugh and giggle. Sometimes they hit one another and then whine or cry. Sometimes, they are FULL of expressions on their faces. But at the end of the day, it is clear that they LOVE one another. Deeply, truly, and madly. It is amazing what emotions you can catch on camera or video. Check it out....

Monday, July 04, 2011

Happy Independence Day 2011!!

Hope you all are enjoying the fourth of july with your friends and family. Bob started it off last night with his annual fireworks display in the backyard. We had some firecrackers left from about 3 years ago and he wanted to put on a show. It only lasted about 5 minutes, but it was fun.
Today, we got together with family and got to see grandma & grandpa vail, aunt meg, aunt jenni, uncle mike and Giselle's and Isabella's cousin, Tristan Michael! You couldn't have asked for a better day to watch the parade in Glen Ellyn. Here are some snapshots from the day....

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Happy 6 Month Birthday Baby Giselle Eloise!

Today marked Giselle Eloise's 6 month birthday! Can you believe it?! We spent the day celebrating her beautiful birth and spending time with one another. It was a gorgeous day out with not a cloud in the sky, so we took advantage and made it a pool day. Yah!! Water balloons were flying everywhere and I was lucky enough to catch it with my camera. Everyone was afraid to get splashed!
Afterwards, we enjoyed some ribs and chicken on the grill with a fresh, house salad. Then, we all went on a family bike ride. Whew!
Now time for french silk pie and fireworks! YUMMY! Hope you all are enjoying this nice, long holiday weekend with your family and friends!
P.S. Thanks grandma chug for introducing coca cola to she wants it all of the time when she sees it!! Hee hee!

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...