Thursday, November 03, 2011

Photography by Isabella

If you never give the little one's a chance to expand their wings, they will never gain the opportunity to learn, be creative and gain Independence. It's never too early to learn...right? Think back. Do you remember the first time someone close to you took a chance on YOU and let you soar to your greatest potential? It felt GOOD didn't it? It made you feel like a MILLION BUCKS. Like you were the BRIGHTEST STAR in the sky.
I gave Isabella my camera and let her do her thing. So here she casing her first time at taking pictures at 3 years old. First, is a picture of mommy holding Isabella. Second is a picture of mommy's hands. Third, a picture of Giselle chewing on a remote control (insert awesome mommy award here....heee heee). Not too shabby for Isabella's first go round with operating a camera, taking pictures and NOT dropping the camera on the floor, throwing it or breaking it to a million pieces. Cheers - to believing in little one's POTENTIALS!!

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