Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Girl After My Own Heart

This beautiful blue eyed, blonde haired baby girl is a girl after my own heart. Every single time I see her, she always welcomes me or whomever with a smile and it brightens my/their whole world or day. She gives the best kisses ever. She is still learning what a hug means. One of my most favorite characteristic's of all about her is she LOVES to EAT. All day every day. As my grandmother used to say..."I love watching people eat." I find that I LOVE watching others eat as well. She is a girl after my own heart! To see their faces light up with joy as they enjoy something, so passionately, so effervescently. My love for food began while watching my father cook so passionately and eating tasty, new dishes, continuing on to learn most of my grandmother's recipes and learning those secrets. I always looked forward to my fathers Sunday dishes - always so creative with a new spin each time, a new creation accompanied by a homemade bread. Super YUMMY. I was always intrigued wondering what the next dish would be, always a great, tasty surprise. With the seasonings, tying up meat, the bread creations and the numerous new ingredients in the house. I had several favorites of my mother's dishes as well. Fried chicken, spaghetti, meatloaf and so much more! Isabella does not light up when she eats food, instead she frowns upon it. Perhaps this will change with time, especially with all of her food allergies. We continue to try. Baby G on the other hand, lights up like a Christmas tree and gets SO EXCITED about food. I captured her with her jaws full and then a picture of her after she just ate dinner. ENJOY!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Days Like Today, I Love My Job

Days like today, filled with sunshine and lots of smiles, I love my job. Not a real job, like working in an office but being a mother and enjoying everything that goes along with it. Baby G is sleeping so Isabella and I got to play outside. We watered the garden, the tomato plants, had tractor races down the street (I was on my bicycle, not the lawn mower), pulled weeds, played baseball, went swinging, discovered a rabbits and birds nest and now were watching winnie the pooh together as baby g is still sleeping. Love love love love...Did I say LOVE?..working part-time and spending quality time with my little girls. They are so much fun!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Giselle's 15 month check-up

Baby G had her 15 month check-up today and I don't know who was more traumatized. Was it me, Isabella, or baby g? Well, I think it was all of us! I had to pin baby g's arms down while the nurse gave her 4 shots in her legs. Baby g was crying because she was scared and in pain and Isabella was screaming her head off because she had to watch all of those needles going in baby g. And me, well my heart ached just listening to them both cry. I told the nurse that next time, daddy gets to bring them in. Shoot, I don't even take Baxter to the vet because I can't stand listening to him cry because he is so scared. Makes me wonder how I can be so strong when it comes to so many things - but doctors and hospitals just are not for me.
Giselle got her varicella, mmr and hepatitis b shots today. She weighs a whole 21 pounds and is 31 inches tall. The doctor was asking me how she eats and I said, like a HORSE! The girls eats NON-STOP. She is always going "MORE." The nurse informed me that she could perhaps break out in a head to toe rash from one of the shots and also develop a fever of 102 which could happen up to two weeks after her shots - so I am going to keep a close eye out for a couple of weeks.
Other than that, Baby G is very happy, loves her sister unconditionally, sleeps good, says about 10 words and is a very good sleeper..... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Sunday, April 15, 2012

What a DAY.

Our friends, Eric and Sharon just had a newborn baby - he is about 2 months old - a second addition to their family. They also have a two year old. I remember how I felt at that time as a new mother for the second time. Tired from waking up in the middle of the night and fried. Bob and I wanted to go and visit and I thought it would be nice to take a bite to eat. When your a new mother, the last thing you want to do after taking care of two kids all day is cook and do the dishes. Yet you are hungry and want to eat a nice meal. It is appreciated when someone goes that extra mile for you and does something as simple as making a dinner and cleaning up.
With that being said, I made barbacoa meat for tacos, along with authentic mexican rice that my friend taught me to make and bob chopped up the tomatoes, shredded the cheese, diced the cilantro and onions.
Off we went and had a mid afternoon taco party. All three kids played while the baby slept and we enjoyed some vino and tacos. Made me want to play yuker, but not everyone knows how to play. Bummer. When we finished eating, I cleaned their entire kitchen and we sat and relaxed some more. It couldn't have been a more relaxing sunday and fun with friends. Isabella and Giselle LOVED their tire swing. Isabella told me she absolutely wanted one at home. I told her I would have to find a tire and some rope first, but would try my best.
In the meantime, back to cooking. I have some ham hocks and a homemade marinara brewing on low for a little Italiano for tomorrow's dinner. Bob loves the sauce with the ham hocks. Me, not so much. Thank goodness my NEW blender is currently on it's way. The cuisinart shredder just isn't cutting the trick for my sauces and chopping. Time for the BIG DOG. LOOK OUT chef dale...

Friday, April 13, 2012

Isabella LOVES her BUBBLES

The Easter Bunny brought Isabella a bubble machine and she absolutely LOVES IT. I LOVE seeing her BIG SMILES and hearing her LAUGHS.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

HOPPY Easter

What a GORGEOUS day outside today on Easter day. Not a cloud in the sky! You couldn't ask for a better day! The girls had a glorious Easter, complete with a visit from the Easter bunny, an Easter egg hunt and a super YUMMY dinner! Hope you all enjoyed your day. Love, Bob, Sandy, Isabella, Giselle and of course, Baxter!

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...