Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What a Day

Yesterday, the girls got a haircut at Cool Cuts and today we went to visit Grandma Chug & Grandpa Dale.  The girls got to play around in the mud over in grandpa dale's garden and Isabella helped picked tomato's, jalapenos, peppers and cucumbers.  Afterwards, grandma chug got to welcome each girl with lots of kisses and SMILES.
After naps, we dropped baxie off at the groomer's to get a bath and clip and we he headed off to pay a special visit to their great grandparents.  Paying a visit today and often, brings back special memories that I hold dear and close to my heart as a grandchild.  Grandma Betty would have chuckled at Giselle eating so much ("man in how that girl can really eat!") and Isabella's energy.  Grandpa Gus would have conjured up a great trick to play on them both or just shook his head with that special smirk on his face.

Lastly, we stopped at a random park and took a self portrait of us three girls.  It was such a beautiful day out today.

Monday, July 30, 2012

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost....

                                              Isabella 3 1/2 years old & Giselle 1 1/2 years old

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday FUNday with Uncle Mike, Aunt Jenny & Tristan Michael

SUNday FUNday strikes again!  The family came over today and we had some grilled ribs, a beer can chicken, steamed fresh veggies, roasted potatoes, various grilled peppers stuffed with cheese (thanks to dad), a loaf of french bread with butter, fruit salad, caprese salad, pasta salad, a veggie platter, Oreo cupcakes, and cocktails.
Hanging out with family, hearing everyone laugh, sharing yummy food and having cocktails ranks number one in our book of life.

We had an enjoyable afternoon together swimming, eating, laughing and playing.  The cousins played endlessly.  I am betting they will sleep pretty good tonight and maybe even dream about Santa Claus. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Time for the SMILES and to HEAR the laughter

Some days, it is all work and no play. Other days, it is some work and a little play. Today was a day for minimal work and A LOT OF PLAY. Where you hear laughter continuously.  The SMILES are galore.  Baby G and Isabella spent the day playing on their playhouse (built with love), pushing each other down the slide, coloring, creating craft projects, picking apples, napping and laughing with MOM. 
Why is Isabella dressed up in a dress with tights and boots on a 100 degree day?  I have nothing to say...other than she dresses herself and has her own sense of style.....at 3 1/2.  Hmmmm.....

I love their sweet smiles and their cheerfulness.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease...Take Two..Say WHAT??!

About a month ago, the day care had a case of hand, foot and mouth disease and the parent(s) who had the contagious child neglected to inform the staff of this. What is hand, foot and mouth disease you ask? Well, it is a relatively common viral infection that usually begins in the throat and spreads from person to person. Fevers develop (sometimes), it is HIGHLY contagious and one cannot be around others for 5-7 days. There is no medicine to treat this, other than a pain reliever to ease the pain. A rash develops around the mouth, the hands and sometimes the bottom. With this said, on June 20th, I received a call from the daycare that my child (Giselle) had this disease. Me, not ever hearing of this, immediately took her to the doctor because I was told she was NOT ALLOWED back in school until she received a doctor's note to come back to school. I took her to the doctor and she was at the tail end of hand, foot and mouth disease. She was not contagious at this point, as she stays home with me 4 days a week. Fast forward 1 month, not even. Today is July 18th. We receive a call from the school, yet again that Giselle is "not feeling right." "She doesn't have a fever, however she has spots on her mouth and hands, we are pretty sure she has hand, foot and mouth disease." "She is not allowed back in school for one week." When I walked into the daycare this evening, I said, what's going on with Giselle? Well, we are pretty confident that Giselle has hand, foot and mouth disease and she is not allowed back for a week. She has spots on her hands and mouth. My response...."Really?, was this a self diagnosis by one of the staff members or did a nurse or doctor confirm that Giselle in fact, has hand, foot and mouth disease? What makes it fair for you to say this when you are not licensed? My response received was, well, NO, a doctor or nurse did not confirm, however that is just what we think. At that point, another mother interrupted my conversation between the daycare staff member and for those that know me, I think this was a blessing in the sky or perhaps an angel looking out. It was confirmed by the pedi that Giselle in fact, has this disease. We went to a play zone this past
Sunday and boy, did she have a good time, especially with her cousin, however we all know that germs loom around everywhere and pass from child to child. Giselle will be out of school until next Wednesday and Bob and I will take turns staying home with her. While I appreciate concern on behalf of others, sometimes it is just how you word things. Unless you are a nurse or doctor, I don't think it is fair for you to self diagnose what you think is wrong with other people. And if you do, THAT IS OKAY, it's all how you WORD your concern. When you shove your comments down people's throats, it is not well taken or respected for that matter.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What's New With Baby G and Isabella?

Well, where should I start? Baby G is talking more and more. Isabella is becoming quite the little fish in the pool. Both are healthy and rocking it out. Perhaps it is a phase, which in this case, I hope it is - however Isabella is torturing her little sister. All day, every day. And I just might be growing several grey hairs because of it. From pushing her down the stairs, to pushing her in the pool, biting her all over her body, pushing her down, throwing things at her, you name it, Isbaella does it to her. If I take my eyes off them for a second, all I hear is blood whaling screams and unconditional crying. Really? Do I really have to tell you to be nice to your sister 50 times a day? Why is it so hard for you to say your sorry to your sister? Can't you just love and nurture her and watch over her? NOPE. Rivalry. All day, every day. Here are a few pictures from a festival we went to over the weekend.
Perhaps it will only make Baby G more tough. I CAN"T WAIT UNTIL SHE STARTS TALKING MORE. I can't WAIT to hear what Giselle has to say...because right now she doesn't have a voice to big sister Isabella.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"Bling" "Bling"

Since we were heading to Colorado to the Bluegrass Festival, Bob's friend made him a bluegrass c.d. and mixed in a few songs for Isabella and Giselle. Somewhere in Nebraska, we put the c.d. on and "BLING BLING" came on. I couldn't get to my video fast enough but Isabella grabbed Bob's gloves and put them on and then both girls jammed out. I couldn't stop laughing. It was the first time they had heard the song.

Thursday, July 05, 2012

The Vail's Headed West

we jumped in our vehicle as a family and headed out west, almost like the griswald's. The car was so packed that we were busting at the seam's!
Our plan of attack was to head to the Telluride Bluegrass Festival and camp in Colorado for three days for the music festival. Nestled in the rugged San Juan Mountains and surrounded on three sides by the natural architecture of the Telluride Box Canyon, Telluride is arguably the most spectacular town in the American West. And what a beautiful sight it WAS that both girls got to experience and hear. They had live music playing in the mountains from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. John Fogerty was by far MY FAVORITE. He ROCKED THE HOUSE. The girls got to experience glow sticks at night for the first time! On our way, we stopped at Estes Park. Where we did some mountain climbing and enjoyed the sights. At one point, we drove up a one-way dirt trail for 9 miles close to the mountain edge only to climb 11,796 feet! Bob is scared of heights and was scared to death to drive up, but once we got to the top - IT WAS AMAZING! Giselle and Isabella embraced the snow, the wind and most importantly, THE BEAUTY! Rocky Mountain National Park, the fifth most visited park in the United States is one of the country's top wildlife destinations. What a fun trip! We did crafts, we sang songs, took the gondola up into the mountains, hiked, stopped at the famous Stanley Hotel that they say is haunted, hiked some more, drank LOTS of water, played MAD LIBS in the car together, laughed with friends, rocked out some live music, enjoyed the beautiful wildlife, tried some new things and got LOTS OF SMILES FROM BABY G and ISABELLA. What more could you ask for. Here are a few videos and pictures from the trip.

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...