Sunday, January 27, 2013

This Girl LOVES her DOGGIE

Giselle is always so concerned about Baxie.  She ALWAYS has to know where he is at all times.  When I let Baxter outside, as soon as he starts barking, she runs to the back door as if she is running a marathon and stretches her short little arms to open the door and let him in.  "Where is Baxie" is a question we hear often.  "Baxie TREAT" She is always quick to give him a treat.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Our "Haven"

This cold, snowy Friday afternoon the girls and I ventured off to our little slice of tropical paradise.  Where once you walk through the doors, the warmth embraces your skin and your eyes suddenly become glued to the dense foliage and tropical blooms.  You can hear the waterfalls and you instantly become relaxed.
To my surprise, we were the ONLY people there today which made it that much more special.

Within five minutes of being there, I caught the girls dancing together.  Laughing deep belly laughs and in amazement of the big, bold, colorful goldfish.  Giselle just kept looking at the fish and saying "WOW."  Isabella thought they were pretty cool too.

Both girls explored their haven for about an hour and some change, than we headed out into the cold where the snow had slightly dusted the ground.  Isabella wanted to make a snow angel so bad but A) I didn't think there was enough snow and B) we were planning on going to lunch afterwards and then to the play zone and I didn't want her all wet and cold.  That would have equaled crabby, cold, whiny child.
I LOVE these days that I get to spend with my girls.  They always seem to surprise me and watching them react to different things brings joy to my heart.  Until next time.......

Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday Funday

What else do you do when it is ONLY 9 degrees out and it is the coldest day that it has been in 2 years?  Can you say Es Frio?  That means IT'S COLD for all of you non Spanish speakers. You have FUN inside!
We had the day off from work today so we spent the day together relaxing.  We went out to lunch at a wood stone pizza grill, we painted Isabella's nails and now we are making Gordon Ramsey's Mushroom Risotto.  The girls are enjoying their day.  Hope you all are staying warm!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Kohl's Children Museum

So my mother asked what baby g and Isabella wanted or needed for Christmas.  And I replied...a membership to any museum or aquarium or zoo.  WHY?  Because it is the gift that keeps on GIVING.  Beyond past clothes or toys.  It encourages young children to become effective learners.  Everyone remembers EXPERIENCES in life! Right?
So Grandpa Dale and Grandma Chug bought the girls a membership for the Kohl's Children Museum, effective for the year and off we went today.  The museum provides a world where children can play, explore and learn in an environment built SPECIFICALLY for them.  And it's perfect for these cold, winter days when you can't really go outside and play.
The girls SMILES warmed our souls, and I know if the grandparents were there today, it would have warmed their souls just the same.  ENDLESS SMILES all day as we ran around from exhibit to exhibit.  I love watching the girls learn and smile from ear to ear.  We took the girls early in the morning, then brought them home late in the afternoon and we even missed nap time.  They were spent by the end of the day, but boy did they have fun.  Sisterly love, always watching out for one another : )   Thank you Grandpa Dale & Grandma Chug for the gift that creates memories and will forever leave a lasting impression.  Enjoy the photos from the day! XOXOXOX

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Giselle Eloise!

Two years ago today, I was shopping with my mother in a furniture store for couches and in labor. I remember it like it was yesterday! Several hours later, a beautiful blond haired girl was welcomed into our world, Giselle Eloise. The nurses all commented on her hair, telling us that it looked like she just came out of the salon, complete with high and low lights. Although we call her Baby G, she is not a baby anymore. : (

Happy 2nd Birthday Giselle Eloise Vail! Giselle is always full of smiles, she does the happy dance when it comes time to eating and sleeping and boy does she LOVE shoes. She prances around the house weekly in different pairs of shoes.

Most recently, she has enjoyed sumo wrestling her sister while taking a bath, complete with pinning her down all while laughing. She loves the movie LORAX and has watched it about 50 times. At least. About two months ago, she began toilet training and is doing AWESOME with that.

Day by day, we enjoy hearing her vocabulary blossom, probably thanks to her big sister, Isabella. Giselle LOVES to DANCE. Put on some music and she has moves like Jagger. She LOVES to have someone READ her a story and then she wants the book placed in her crib before she goes to sleep.

Watching baby G blossom has filled our days with sunshine and LOTS of laughs! Today, she enjoyed her birthday with her friends and we celebrated together as a family this evening with dinner, cake and presents.
Soups - at the end of your VM, you said "Love you Giselle, eat lots of cake." She looked at the phone with a big SMILE and said LOVE YOU TOO!
Happy 2nd Birthday sweet Giselle. We LOVE YOU XOXOXOXOXO

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...