Friday, November 29, 2013

Gobble Gobble - Thanksgiving 2013

Ahhhhh....Thanksgiving. This year, the Vail's threw down with a turkey, mashed potato's and gravy, sweet corn, stuffing, sweet rolls and homemade apple pie. I threw the meat thermometer in the garbage. It lied to me. Bob didn't have a lot of carving to do on the turkey though, it just fell right off the bone. Over cooked and dry = Sandy's Thanksgiving day turkey. Whoops. I bet it will make for a great homemade turkey pot pie. : ) How was the homemade stuffing you ask? Not cooked all the way. So far, a turkey over done and stuffing under done. YEAH BABY!!! I wonder where my head was on gobble gobble day. It obviously was not in the kitchen. The sweet corn and rolls were to die for. All in all, we were thankful to have a warm meal in front of us, smiles and THOMAS the turkey : ) Hope you all had a very nice Turkey Day. The girls were full of SMILES.....

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