Saturday, November 30, 2013

Button and M&M Noses

About 6 months ago, I picked Isabella up from school and her teacher informed me that I should take Isabella to the doctor right away, that she had shoved a button up her nose. They took a flash light and looked up her nose but couldn't see it - so I was to take her to the doctor. I thought maybe the teachers were just having a bad day that day and walked away thinking....who shoves a button up their nose? NOT my daughter. When I came home that night, I tilted Izzy's head back complete with flash light and tweezers but did not see a button. I even asked her if she shoved a button up her nose and she told me no mommy, there is no button up my nose. So I was satisfied. Then just to be sure, I had Bob take a look and he found nothing as well. About 1 week after the teacher told me that, I was folding the clothes in the dryer when Isabella came running up to me after she had just sneezed and yelled LOOK MOMMY! The button came out of my nose - with a BIG SMILE on her face! As I looked down in her hand, there it was, the white rhinestone snot covered button in her small little hand. Were talking about the big button that you have on the front of your pants to buckle your jeans. My eyes got the size of a golf ball and I just shook my head. How does one shove a button that big in such a small little nose? How does this happen? And happened to me again tonight. Only this time with Giselle. She was sitting on my lap in a dark movie theater and Bob came back to the seats with a big bag of M&M's. Not the peanut covered ones, just the milk chocolate. So you can picture the size. Right? Now picture how small Giselle's nose is compared to that m&m. All of a sudden she just starts crying hysterically in the middle of the movie, pointing at her nose. I look and what do I see. Yes, she had shoved an m&m up her nose. I tried getting it out with my finger but could not. Bob took Giselle to the bathroom and used his key to get the m&m out of her nose. After 10 minutes of surgery and a lot of crying, he saved the day. Life sure is an adventure with these two little monkeys but I wouldn't change the "route" they take us on a weekly basis for the world. Sometimes it is filled with craziness, laughter, drama, imagination or even tears but at the end of each day, we sure are lucky to have two little monkeys. Even if they do shove buttons and m&m's up their noses.

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