Monday, April 21, 2014

A Very SAD day in the VAIL household

There is a difference between saying good bye and letting go. Today, we feel super sad and it is all because of a 30 something year old tree and a BUG! Who knew something could make several family members feel sad! The Emerald ash borer bug that is, that infects trees. OUR ash tree. When I woke up today, I took the girls out at 6:45 a.m. to play on their FAVORITE TREE. One last time. As I drove down the road after playing on the tree with them and taking pictures, I passed the tree service coming to our house, and my heart and stomach sank to the ground immediately. All of the memories of my girls and this tree were flashing through my mind at that moment. And those that know me, know that there are very FEW things that I get sappy about. This particular tree was an ash tree and when we moved in to our house, 3 years ago, it instantly became their favorite because it had a swing on one of the branches. It was UNIQUE. NOSTALGIC, to say the least. Forget that we had a play set in the back with swings. THIS WAS THE ONE. That they played on, all day everyday, for 3 plus hours. And I, as well as Bob, smiled from ear to ear watching their ENJOYMENT. The tree was completely dead and we didn't want the girls to be playing on the swing and have a big limb come down and hurt them. Last year we had the arborist out and at that time, he told us the tree was dead that there was no saving it. We had our other trees treated and HOPE they make it! It was time, yet I was not ready to LOSE those beautiful hours of enjoyment watching my girls GIGGLE and SMILE as they circled the tree and watching them swing. Giselle, especially. She really loved this tree and swinging. It took them all of 40 minutes to take down that tree of 30 plus years and as I watched out the window, tears were forming in my eyes, yet I held back, turned and walked away. When I brought the girls back home and they saw what had happened, both were super sad and asked me what happened to their tree and swing.......And that was when I had to explain yet again, that the tree was sick and that is why we enjoyed it one last time this morning. This sadness too shall pass. I will never forget the beautiful memories from this tree with these girls. I saved their swing to attach to another tree on the property. I plan to take them shopping to pick out a new tree for that area that we can all plant together. Something that they choose. Perhaps this will mend our hearts. Children are pretty resilient, but I am not sure we are as much as adults. In any case, who knew a tree could make you so sad, young and old alike.

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