Thursday, June 23, 2016

Last Day of Camp Hollywood. Until next year!

Today was the last day of Camp Hollywood for Girl Scouts in Messenger Woods.  Yesterday, our camp was cancelled due to the weather and we made up for our rain date today!  Today was FUN DAY and we did not have to cook over a fire.  Instead, we had dinner catered in which included beef sandwiches, macaroni and cheese and lots of watermelon!  During the day, we had lots of activities that included making SANDY CANDY (yes, there is actually a candy called Sandy Candy!  HOW FUN!), crafts, Olympic games, Hollywood photos, a dance off between the girls, more SWAPS and saying our good-byes. 

Giselle was excited for camp every day and woke up, got herself dressed, prepared her backpack and was ready to head out the door.  I can’t wait to see if she is this excited for kindergarten.  Isabella really enjoyed making new friends, the water fights, the hikes and SWAPS.  Giselle and Isabella are sure going to miss their friends that they made at camp this week. For me, I am going to miss all of the girls…each and every one of them….Kennedy, Molly, Audrey, Kaitlyn, Riley, Chloe, Sarah, Victoria, Eden, Peyton, Gia, Oreo, Giggles, Sparkles, Alexis, Kim, Emma, Lindsay, Kailey, Mireyna and Vanessa! 

Volunteering this week for all of these girls (including my little ones) proved to be challenging, yet rewarding and I am ending this hot summer week with my heart filled with love and joy.  It was our first year attending/volunteering Girl Scout camp and I am really glad I got to see the “inside” of how camp works and all the hands that go into making camp run successful! 

I gave endless piggy back rides to all the girls, wiped away tears, laughed until I cried, squashed fear within the girls at times, encouraged them and so much more.  I am thankful that I was allowed this opportunity to share an amazing week with so many beautiful little girls, inside and out.  If I was still working full-time, I would have never been able to experience this adventure.  And it was an adventure, every step of the way.   I will forever cherish the memories that were created with all of the girls this week.  Until the next adventure…..You forever keep me on my toes Isabella and Giselle!  LOVE YOU BOTH!  XOXOXOXOX

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Day 2: Girl Scout Camp....Hollywood STARS

It sure was tough getting Isabella and Giselle MOTIVATED for camp this morning.  After 9 ½ attempts and over an hour later, I was finally able to get them out of bed.  We came downstairs, ate breakfast and then they literally wrapped themselves up in blankets and laid on the kitchen floor until it was time to leave for camp.

Off to camp we went and once we got all set up, I noticed all of our campers were not so bright eyed and bushy tailed today either.  Everyone was tired, and it was only day 2.  Looks like the heat got to all of us yesterday.

After opening ceremony, our main goal today was teaching the girls how to cook lunch.  Most of our girls are entering 2nd grade so because of our age group, we were assigned to make and cook in a cardboard BOX OVEN.  They called it “SIMPLE BOX OVEN CONSTRUCTION AND COOKING.”  There is nothing SIMPLE about assembling a cardboard box oven or cooking in it.  There were no instruction manuals on how to create this.  I went to training however, take everything you think you know about cooking over a fire or charcoals and throw it out the window because it doesn’t apply in the Girl Scout world.   SAFETY FIRST! I knew this was going to take some time, so we started on this by 9 a.m.  Good thing we did, because start to finish, it was well almost 3 hours.

To make our open top box oven, we cut off the flaps of the cardboard box so that the box had four straight sides and bottom. The bottom of the box is the top of the oven.  Then, we covered the box inside COMPLETELY with foil, placing the shiny side out. To use our oven, we placed the pan with food to be baked on a footed grill over the lit charcoal briquets. The grill was raised about ten inches above the charcoal and then you place your cardboard oven over the food and charcoal.

We chose our meal yesterday and it was grilled cheese sandwiches and smores cones.  Each camper got to assemble their sandwich, their smores cone and help create our cooking source.  I was surprised to learn that more than half of the girls had never camped, cooked outside and/or helped their mother or father create a meal in the kitchen.  They had a BLASTY with food preparation, cooking, eating and clean up.  AND they earned a special patch today for all of their hard work! 

After lunch, we went on another hike through the woods to identify more bugs and poison ivy.  Today, we hiked 3 miles.  Once we got back, the girls got in a circle and traded SWAPS.  Girl Scouts often make small tokens of friendship to exchange with the Girl Scouts they meet while traveling. These little gifts are called ”SWAPS,” which stands for “Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere.”  Afterwards, they pinned them on their hats.  I loved all of their creativity with the SWAPS.  HOW FUN!  Isabella loved all the different SWAPS she received from her new friends.

And there was the day!  Yet again, time flew by!  Once we cleaned up for the day we had about 40 minutes left and the other Unit leader and I were fresh out of ideas on what to do for the remaining time.  We had about 11 gallons of water left, so we told the girls to fill their water bottles and have a water fight by squirting one another.  BEST IDEA ever and what a time filler : )  Everyone got SOAKED and you should have seen the big SMILES and the relief of cooling off!  Don’t worry, we gave their girls time to dry off before their parents picked them up!

Giselle enjoyed her Pixie group today.  They got to sing songs, make a homemade microphone and swim in a little baby pool.  I had tried to sneak away today to take some pictures of her and her group, however they are all the way in the back of the woods (we are in the front) and I just couldn’t get away.

After camp, I took Isabella and Giselle to McDonalds for a happy meal.  They deserved it after 2 days of roughing it in the woods all day!  Both girls ate and are asleep and it is 6 p.m.  I think it is safe to say they had a great day and wore themselves out at Girl Scout Camp!

Monday, June 20, 2016

First Day of Girl Scout Camp in Messenger Woods 6 2016

Day 1 of Girl Scout Camp was a success!  WOOT WOOT!  We packed up the car and off to Messenger Woods we went!  I signed up to be a volunteer for the week and am a Unit Leader along with my neighbor and we are responsible for 20 girls.  Giselle is a “Pixie”, so she is in with another group of little ones that are ages 3-5.  My group has girls that are ages 7-16 and lucky for me, Isabella is in my group.

What did we do for the entire day in the woods you ask?  For starters, we had an opening ceremony with the flags.  Then, we had business to take care of!  Our group visited the health supervisor to learn about first aid and then the business manager to learn about well, business of camp.  After we took care of business, the day was OURS!

We went on a 5-mile hike in the woods singing songs and identifying plants and animals.  Decorated our troop flag that hangs on the front of our post.  Our theme is TANGLED – you know the movie…right?  So each little girl got to decorate a block on the flag with their names.  We played drip drip DRIBBLE…..It’s kind of like DUCK DUCK goose, ONLY the girls sit around in a circle and one walks around and drips water from a cup on each girls head and then the last girl chosen receives an entire cup of water over her head.  Those little girls think it’s funny to pour an entire cup of water over their unit leaders head!  I think I had 6 cups of water poured on me!  I didn’t mind at all because it was rather warm out today!

After the heat, it poured rain out for about 45 minutes.  We did what all big and little girls do in the rain.  We laughed, sang, ran around, chased each other and played tag.  We also had craft time where everyone got to decorate their t-shirts with paint and stamps.

All in all, the first day of camp was super busy and chaotic, yet rewarding all at the same time.  I felt like the day flew by at lightning speed.  Time flies when you’re having fun!! I had a sampling of what it would feel like to have 20 children all of my own, all at the same time.  Miss Sandy, can you.  Miss Sandy, would you.  Miss Sandy, have you seen my stuff?  Miss Sandy, I have to go to the bathroom.  Miss Sandy, when is lunch? Miss Sandy, what are we going to do next?  And the questions kept rolling all day long.  You get the idea.  I am a big kid at heart, am good at changing the subject to distract any and all meltdowns and really enjoyed being outdoors today with all of these beautiful little girls.  The BIG SMILES.  THE GIGGLES.  The LEARNING EXPERIENCES.  The MAKING FRIENDS.

Giselle’s favorite part of the day:  EATING LUNCH (doesn’t surprise me, the girl LOVES to eat when she wants to!)  Isabella’s favorite part of the day:  going on a 5-mile hike (atta girl, you take after my own heart!)

How lucky am I today?  Let’s just say “my cup runnuth over” which means I have more than enough for my needs and my heart is filled.  Let’s see what tomorrow has in store for Isabella, Giselle and myself…….Meanwhile, if you are looking for Miss Sandy, she will be resting up for more Miss Sandy's tomorrow...wink wink...

Friday, June 17, 2016

Good-bye Daisies, HELLO Brownies......

Last week, Isabella had her bridging ceremony from Daisies to Brownies.  Bridging is an important transition in a Girl Scout's life. It's a defining moment when a girl becomes aware of her achievements and is ready for new adventures and responsibilities!!!
I have had so much fun this past year of Daisies watching Isabella develop her self-potential, relating to others with increasing skill, maturity and developing values to give meaning and direction to her life.  She enjoyed it so much, that she wants to keep going forward.  Giselle enjoyed being a side kick and attending most events with us that she too, wants to be a Daisie next year. 

And so the next adventure begins for Isabella and Giselle…….Isabella is now a BROWNIE and Giselle will be a DAISIE. 
Next week, they both have a week long camp in Messenger Woods for Girl Scouts in which I elected to be a volunteer for the week and am a Unit Leader of 25 little girls.  I look forward to seeing their smiles, sharing their excitement and watching them make new friends and build team skills.  Stay Tuned….

Friday, June 03, 2016

Can you BELIEVE it is JUNE?

Can you believe that it is June 2016 already?  I sure can't!  What I can tell you is that I have had an amazing 2 weeks as a mother with my girls!! SO many fun memories with Isabella and Giselle to wrap up the 2016 school year!  Isabella will be starting 2nd grade next year and Giselle will be moving on to kindergarten.  AND they will get to take the same school bus together!!  Time flies when you have two little growing girls!

For starters, last week was Giselle's dance recital of the year.  She had been enrolled in Ms. Priscilla's School of Dance lessons for the year and they had their big finale at Mary Sears!  It was cute to see all of the little girls dolled up in their pink tutus!  Giselle really enjoyed herself and had BIG SMILES from ear to ear.  It warmed my heart to watch her perform.  What a HAM for the camera!  And I said my good-byes to Mary Sears Children's Academy.  Giselle has been attending the school since she was 3 months old and now at 5 1/2, we said our good-byes to our second family - our family that we have taken and loved both our children for 7 years now.

Isabella was enrolled in an 8 week chess program and just completed the championship last week.  She came home from school one day and told me she wanted to enroll in the chess club.  Isabella is my crafty, artsy, very creative little girl, so at first, I was surprised that she wanted to play chess.  After her first time at chess club, she fell in love.  And then mommy had an A HA moment.  This little girl loves math and anything challenging, of course she loves chess!  8 weeks later, she completed her chess championship, beat her instructor TWICE and earned a medal.  ATTA GIRL!!!  SUPER PROUD and she asked me if she could play and compete again next year.  Of course, darling.  Why not?

And lastly, today was Isabella's last day of first grade. SCHOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER!!  Yeah!!!  I heard it was national donut day too, so before school, we whisked off to Dunkin Donuts and she got to pick out her favorite donuts. 

What an amazing last couple of weeks it has been!  I can't wait to see what summer has in store with these two girls!!!

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...