Monday, November 29, 2010

Isabella decorates the Christmas tree for the very first time


On Sunday morning, I woke up and told Bob that we should go and buy a Christmas tree. Anybody who knows me, knows that for me to say these words - well it's almost like hell freezing over. Christmas is my LEAST favorite holiday! Bob was shocked and happily took me out to pick out a tree. We brought it home, put it up together and Iz kid joined in on the decorating. She was grabbing ornaments out of the boxes and hanging them on the tree. She especially liked hanging the bears on the stairs. All the while, she kept saying CHRISTMAS TREE CHRISTMAS TREE CHRISTMAS TREE.
We will never forget the year that we went out, bought a tree for our first house together while 9 months pregnant and decorated it with little Iz - 2 years old. Priceless.
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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hungry Hungry HIPPO

is a game of four hippos that try to eat as many marbles as they can--as fast as they can. As I was walking through a new thrift store with Monike, it caught my eye and I just had to get it so we all could play together. I am a sucker for board games. Love to play em and play with others. Score. Only $1.50! I tried it out at breakfast this morning and Isabella LOVED it. I think Bob enjoyed it too.
This game is fast-paced and riotous for kids who get to take turns popping a white marble into the ring, then furiously pressing on their hippo's levered tail to catch the prize. Utter mayhem ensues, and whoever snares the most marbles wins. If only it would get kids to clean their plates as well as those pudgy hippos do!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Baxter's Super Special Evening

Last night, Baxie attended the ninth annual fur ball at the Drake hotel sponsored by PAWS Chicago. The lucky dogs in attendance were treated to massages and "paw" dicures while they dined on a gourmet doggie buffet. Say what? Yep, this was the cats "meow" event for Baxie and while I didn't think he would dig up on the five star treatment - he enjoyed every minute of mingling with other dogs and getting pampered!
Meanwhile, we were treated to a top-of-the-line buffet, delighted with a silent auction and then we danced the night away. There were so many beautiful dogs and everyone was decked to the nines. Not to mention, the room was beautifully decorated. It was quite the event and one of the nicest I have been to in a long time. We really enjoyed ourselves and were thankful that Bob's boss was a sponsor of PAWS and asked us to go. What a treat!

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Princess Baxie

Baxter seems to hide out alot these days and for the longest time, I didn't know where "his spot" was. I come home from work and he doesn't greet me for at least five minutes. Odd. What happened to my puppy that ALWAYS greeted me at the door with his tail wagging and a toy in his mouth?
Well TODAY, after 4 months I totally BUSTED him. I tried to run downstairs as fast as I could and grab the camera before he moved. And I captured him!! Where was he you ask? Upstairs sleeping in Isabella's princess castle in the middle of her bedroom. Princess Baxie.........

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Halloween and Trick or Treating

Isabella dressed up as a fairy this year for Halloween and it was her first time trick or treating since she was a baby and we had to carry her door to door. She put her costume on along with Bax - her furry friend wore a nice warm, bright pumpkin sweater and down the street they went. Baxie scored a few dog treats along the way for his handsome sweater and Izzy scored a bucket full of candy. Only thing is, we practiced and practiced with her to say TRICK OR TREAT when the door opened but when the time came, the door opened and Isabella just stood and stared at the person with their bowl of candy. I tried, as each door opened to get her to say TRICK OR TREAT, but she didn't budge. We even practiced what to say in between houses.
One can only try. I think next year she will for sure get Halloween and really be in to the tricks and the treats! Till next year!!

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...