Saturday, October 29, 2011

Twas Time for a visit to the Dentist

Isabella visited the dentist today for her first checkup ever. While I did not take her to the appointment, Bob tells me she was quite the trooper! Got her teeth cleaned with strawberry toothpaste topped off with strawberry fluoride. That a girl! Out of all the flavors, she picked STRAWBERRY! YUMMY!
I am so proud of my big girl for being so brave! These first time appointments to anything can be very SCARY to a little one when you have never experienced it!
When she was all finished getting her teeth cleaned, she got to pick a treat out of the magic treasure chest, in which she chose a piggy bank. (big smiles HERE!)
I am told she has a "crossbite" just like her daddy, so we shall see how that pans out down the road. Meanwhile, Baby G just stared at Isabella the entire appointment wondering what was really going on......

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Words, "I Don't Have To"

Just the other day, it was Aunt Dawn's 40th birthday and while I was on the phone with her, I asked Isabella if she wanted to wish Aunt Dawn a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. And there it "I don't have to." response from Isabella. REALLY? Aunt Dawn said, you just wait Sandy, wait until that resurfaces into another conversation. While I knew it would happen, I didn't expect it to happen so soon. And tonight was the night.
There it was. 4 days later. I had just fed baby g dinner and now it was time for Isabella to eat her dinner. I made some homemade pasta for her, sat it in front of her spot and I got.... I DON'T HAVE TO EAT MY DINNER.
Much to my surprise, it didn't take long for these words to fly out of my mouth. "Isabella, if you don't have to eat your dinner, then I don't have to let you watch a Little Einsteins episode before bed and I don't have to let you drink your milk."
Shortly thereafter, Isabella ate her homemade pasta, her green beans and topped it off with some applesauce. I feel like everyday it is a battle to get her to eat her dinner! Errrr! I feel like I have to make a proposition, a bargain, a deal or a promise. Sometimes it takes up to an hour for her to eat. I know she has food allergies, but really?
Meanwhile, Baby G is eating good. Still almost 11 months and NO teeth. Isabella had teeth by this time! Baby G is full of smiles and is on the verge of walking. Or at least I like to think she is : )

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hair Cut Day!

So our big outing out of the house today was ..... you guessed it, a HAIRCUT for the girls. In between doing laundry, feedings, cooking and cleaning, I had decided it was time to break out of the house. I had intentions of wandering off to the pumpkin farm with the girls for maybe a hayride but BOO HOO, it started raining and became GLOOMY out.
There is nothing better than a fresh haircut! Right Grandpa Dale? Isabella was super excited as usual to get pampered and Baby G not so much. She cried the entire time after the first two minutes. They got to sit in their little red wagons and watch TOY STORY. Now they both have a fresh haircut, just in time to dress up in their Halloween costumes.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

And So Fall Strikes Again

where you watch the beautiful yellow, red and brown leaves fall to the ground, as if it were snowing. The air gets cooler and you reminisce about summer days past. The warmer clothes come out of the closet and the roast accompanies the carrots and potatos in the crock pot. Pure Yumminess. If there is such a word...
Today, we went shopping for the girl's Halloween costumes. I always told myself that it wasn't right to dress my children in a farm animal costume. But there I was, my daughter - asking me - if she could be a ....... and of course I said YES. But kicked myself in the *** every step of the way to the cash register. REALLY? Is all I kept saying. Meanwhile, Baby G, didn't have a voice in her costume picking - so we picked for her.
After we were done shopping, I shot a few pictures of them painting a pumpkin, trying out their costume and of course, playing in the fall weather.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Another Moment In Time - In Black and White

Today Giselle graduated from her little bath tub by herself and moved on to sharing a bath with her sister, Isabella. Boy, was I nervous. I had images of Isabella drowning Baby G or splashing her to death. But, to my surprise, it actually went better than I thought it would. Of course there was lots of splashing but I think that was to be expected. The bathroom floors and mirrors were soaked. It was a SLIP and SLIDE. WahOOOOO!!! But isn't that the fun of being a little girl? OF COURSE it is! Giselle was all SMILES the entire time. It was fun to experience. Even if I did get soaked and had to change clothes.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Fun In the Pumpkin Patch

Today, Grandma Chug took Giselle & Isabella to the pumpkin patch. They toured the grounds, picked out their favorite pumpkin and enjoyed the 70 plus degree day weather.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Enjoying the Fall Weather

Parent Teacher Conferences

While most were preparing to watch today's Bears game, I attended Giselle's and Isabella's parent teacher conferences at school.
I learned that Isabella has a best friend at school and they are inseparable. Her name is Mia. Isabella loves to color, her best friend Mia and smiling for the camera.
Giselle's teacher was very excited to report that she loves to eat, is very strong and really, really wants to walk.
Giselle still doesn't have any teeth, doesn't take naps during the day and is crawling around the house like crazy. She climbs the stairs and stands up any chance she gets.
Meanwhile, Isabella is getting better at potty training. She somewhat tells you when she has to go and urinates in the toilet quite frequently, however we can't get her to go #2 in the toliet.
What a beautiful fall day it is today. Enjoy!!

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...