Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Halloweenie

Izzy wishes everyone a Happy Halloween! Make sure to eat lots of yummy treats!

I WON, I finally WON

Last year, and the year before and the year before that, and well, all of the pumpkin carving contests Bob and I have done, I have ALWAYS lost. This year, it must of been all that smack I was talking and the fact that I had a positive mental attitude. I WON, finally : ) WA HOO!!! Thanks to all of our voters!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Chanel No. 5

Did you know that the part of the brain the detects scent forms early in fetal development, and a baby gets exposed to lots of different aromas in the amniotic fluid? By the time a baby is born, his or her sense of smell is keen! A mother's scent is very calming to the baby and brings comfort.
My mother's signature scent is Chanel No. 5. She wore it the entire time we were growing up and every time I smell that perfume, it brings a smile to my face, I take a deep breath in and go Ahhhhh...... She probably has NO clue that this scent brings back fun childhood memories and is comforting. I thought it was just me, but in a recent conversation with my sister, I was telling her that Bob had bought me a bottle of Chanel No. 5 and it smells like mom when I spray it on myself. She laughed and told me she has not smelled it in years, however the other day when she was walking down the street, a woman passed her and had that perfume on. Dawn stopped and stuck her nose up in the air just to breathe the perfume in for a minute and smiled.
Dawn loves Chanel No. 5 just as much as I do, and what my mother does not know is that we both have bought the perfume at one point in time or another just to remind us of her and recreate fun memories. My mom always wonders what Dawn and I talk about because we are so close, and this is just one of the random conversations we have. About her, memories and Chanel No. 5.
I wonder what scent will comfort Izzy and remind her of mom.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Some like to eat their Pumpkins......

and some like to carve em'! Over the weekend, Cowboy Bob and I carved our pumpkins together and let me tell ya, the "smack" was flowing in the air about WHO would be the grand winner and why! We sent out our mass e-mail to the voters yesterday, and the poll closes TODAY at 3 p.m. So far, it is 11 votes to 9, so we shall reveal the winner soon! GOOD LUCK cowboy........

Big Girl

At birth: 7 pounds 14 ounces
3 weeks Later: 9 pounds 4 ounces
Today: 11 pounds 12 ounces

Today Izzy went to the doctor and got her first shot and she did a great job! Even came home with a BUGS BUNNY band aid! The doctor said she is large for her being 6 weeks old, the normal range is 9 pounds and 21 inches long. Iz is 23 1/2 inches!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy Sweetest Day

to all our peeps! I am sending a big HEART filled with love to everyone today! CELEBRATE your love today and everyday!!

Monday, October 13, 2008


It's getting closer to our C A R V I N G contest and I am getting nervous! What will that joker carve this year? Will he beat me again? He probably lays in bed at night and thinks HA, I am going to beat Sandy again! I was thinking of changing my idea and doing the "drunken" pumpkin - you know that e-mail that is going around? This weekend is the big carve - so if you all have any ideas for me, feel free to e-mail me at!! Stay tuned - pretty soon it will be time for YOU to vote on your favorite pumpkin!!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

You can't tell me I look old now.....

dearest piggitz......every time you come and see me, you tell me how old i look because i always get a fresh haircut for you before you arrive. This time, i made an executive decision NOT to get groomed before you come. So now, when you look at me, you won't be able to tell me how old i look. See how long my hair is in this picture? Well, it's going to be even longer when you see me. Hey, I just thought of something.....since your the professional, maybe you can make me look handsome. You know Ellie will be coming home soon and i need to look good for her...... Prince, i hope you stopped eating the geico's and that your feeling better! Love your boy baxie

Monday, October 06, 2008

Izzy Knocks Out Another State.....

Today, I decided to take a drive out of the concrete jungle with Izzy to the country. HEY, I just thought of something! Did you know that Izzy was born one month ago TODAY? I just realized that as I was typing this blog and looked at the calendar. How fun. Anywho, as I was saying - we took a leisurely drive and ended up at a pumpkin patch and apple orchard in Indiana. The orchard had 18, I repeat 18 different kinds of apples. Who knew there were so many different kinds? Not me. So far, Izzy has knocked out 2 states and only has 48 more to visit!

She had a really fun day today and doesn't even know it! She visited her very first zoo complete with goats that climb wooden ladders, cows, bunnies, horsies and a few other animals. From there, we walked around and looked at the pumpkin patches, what was left of the sunflower fields and after that we toured the food section - her favorite. I couldn't resist the homemade fudge - I tried a sample and thought - YUMMY (Does that explain why my 6 dresses on hand don't fit for the wedding this weekend???!!!) - I knew Cowboy Bob would love the homemade treats, so we scooped up that along with a taffy apple. Then, I walked past a lady who was making pea salsa.... SAY WHAT?!! Have you ever heard of pea salsa? So of course, I tried it -loved it - and brought home a jar!! Go figure.
After that, Izzy appeared to be a bit bored and started to get a bit fussy, so we walked over to the big tractors. That would for sure peak her interest. Right? So we climbed aboard the big wagon and went for a ride. Sure enough, within a minute, Izzy fell asleep, so she missed out on the corn maze and different apple trees.
All in all, it was a very relaxing day in the country. Very cool hat on Izzy grama vail (soupy, do you have HAT envy?)- got three compliments while at the orchard alone : ) Thanks again!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Who will win?

Every year, cowboy Bob and I have a little "competition" so to speak - one where we go and pick out our pumpkins and carve away. We always make a little friendly wager about who will win and put something at stake for the winner. It's like the Cubs vs. the White Sox - an endless rivalry for us, we begin talking smack about who will have the best pumpkin and why. When we are finished, we send a mass e-mail out to all of our friends & family to vote on their favorite pumpkin and WHY. Their votes determine our WINNER. Well, for the last four years, I have lost to cowboy bob. But not this year, it's a new year for me. I feel pretty confident that I - FOR SURE - without a doubt am going to win. I start off like this and say that I am going to win every time. I get all fired up about my pumpkin, I research the different carvings out there, I map out my plan and plan out my map!

I never thought that we had any traditions in our household as a couple with a dog named baxie, but boy do we ever now that I stop to think about it. This is one of my favorites - right next to St. Patty's Day. Izzy is in for a treat this year and many years to come! This is her first holiday EVA and she has two good looking pumpkins. One from the garden that Grampa Dale grew for her and one miniature from Grams and Gramps Vail. So, since she can't join in on our reindeer games yet, we have something special lined up for her.
So stay tuned and be on the look out for these pumpkins.......and good luck cowboy bob. Your going to need it this year!

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...