Thursday, December 31, 2009

Smile = Priceless

Every morning, on my walk or bicycle ride to work, I pass an art gallery in which there is an elderly man standing there - sweeping, shoveling snow or cleaning something up. When I walk past, I smile at him - say GOOD MORNING and have a good day. He smiles back with his MILLION dollar smile and tells me to have a good day too.
I look forward to seeing him everyday. WHY? Because when I smile at him, he smiles back at me and shares the same enthusiam about life as I. When I don't see him in the morning - my day is not as bright. I get a bit sad that I did not see him.
Last week when I saw him on Christmas Eve, I said HI - Merry Christmas - give me a HUG!! The first time I had contact with him other than riding past and yelling HI have a good day or HELLO!
Would you believe this HI and have a good day has been going on for the past 2 1/2 years,and I didn't know this man formally until TODAY - December 31, 2009. It was odd that the person who was brightening my day for all this time - I didn't even know his name!
This morning, as I walked past, he jumped out and said HELLO...and I said HELLO, Happy New Year!! I said, "you know, I have been saying good morning to you everyday for the past 2 1/2 years and i don't even know your name!" I introduced myself and his name is Willie! He handed me a beautiful gift bag with a bottle of shiraz and i said Thank you - this was unneccesary and I love shiraz!
He explained to me that he hated his job, but everyday he looked forward to seeing my smile, that I am always so bright and full of sunshine. He looked forward to coming to work, just to smile and wish a good day. And I equally explained to him that although I love my job, he brightens my day when he smiles back at me and tells me to have a good day.
After this happened this morning, I immediately called bob to share the great news and he said - it sounds like you two are dating! And I said HA! Bob walks past the same art gallery on his way to work and knows the man I am referring to. And when I don't see Willie - I tell Bob that I was bummed I didn't get to say HI! Have a good day!!
All in all, I am used to being everyone else's SUNSHINE! I often times, brighten others days. But today, he brightened my day - and it warmed my heart and felt good for the soul!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Noisy Zoo Book

Isabella received a new book from Santa that has all kinds of zoo characters. Last night before she went to bed, she was playing the noisy wolf.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Destruction Part XX

This morning after I made Bob biscuits and gravy for b-fast - he said - what would you like to do today?? And I said, pack up the kitchen and clean out the storage above the bathroom. I told him together, we could knock it out in 2 hours! So we did, 7 bins later, half of the kitchen is packed up along with some other things. Izzy was a BIG GIRL helper and was a trooper through all of the mess!

December 2009

A year ago, Izzy was 3 months old and could sit up with something behind her. I ran across this picture today and it made me think WOW....a lot can happen in a year! Today she is walking, talking, dancing, sleeping through the night and so much more.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Will she be A PEEKER?

I am a peeker. I don't mean to be, I guess I just am. Example A: Bob comes home from out of town, comes through the front door and SAYS DON'T LOOK. So I guess, because he said DON'T LOOK, I look to see what bags he is carrying in his hand. Does it count that I don't know what is IN those bags? Does that make me a true PEEKER? PEEKER. What a fun word! Almost sounds bad. PEEKER. PEEKER. PEEKER!
This morning, I am doing laundry and he says DON'T GO in my closet. So I don't, because I KNOW if I do....i will be tempted to be a peeker and actually see if I can see anything on the top of those bags. I would NEVER go through the bags though...that would ruin the surprise....RIGHT??!! right.. Are you a PEEKER or are you just observant? I wonder what Iz kid will be. Because she is so CURIOUS...i bet she will be..yep, you guessed it... A PEEKER.....

If there is ANYTHING that one person can't stand...

It's CLUTTER!! Last weekend, I set out on a mission to go through Izzy's toys and armoire and weed out what isn't well liked or what doesn't fit anymore. I learned the hard way, that it is best to clean out the clutter when one is sleeping...there was lots of fussiness and crying...and I couldn't seem to understand why!! I mean everything was EVERYWHERE - Why wouldn't she be happy to play? But as she watched me put toys and clothes in bins, she cryed and pulled them out. Later, I read that it is best to go through toys when they are down - so it is not such a "traumatic" experience. Say what??!!
The end result? Bob is no longer a frantic mess that everything is under destruction and 6 bins later - there is less toys and the clothes that don't fit anymore are put away.
For this weekend, it is on to the "storage" area up above the bathroom. Everyone makes new years resolutions and they almost always include to be better organized and neat. I plan on beating the clutter BEFORE the new year. We can wake up on New Year's Day and go will, without a doubt, be BLISS!
P.S. Piggy - Do you see your favorite lying on the floor in front? I am mailing your sexy friend to YOU : )

Monday, December 14, 2009

She was Right...

Over the weekend we celebrated x-mas with Grandma Chug and Grandpa Dale and Izzy opened up a super comfy cozy present (adored by Baxie) and also lots of furry friends. Izzy loved the purple rhinoceros - I didn't realize it at the time, but later when we got home - Izzy only played with her new purple friend. Soupy was right!!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Don't Worry Izzy, I will pick it up....

Everyday when I come home from work, Izzy opens the "child proof" locks on the kitchen cabinets and takes out all of the Tupperware complete with lids. This goes on for almost an hour. She sits there, plays with each lid, stacks them, knocks them down, spreads them out and when Baxie comes near she shakes her finger and goes "No, No, No, No!"
I keep on eye on the clock and then frantically run around and put it all back before BOB comes home from work. I probably would not let her get away with it, but it gives me a chance to chop things up for dinner and get it going AND it makes her happy. I can keep a close eye on her while I am cooking.
I don't remember this, but when I was little, my mom tells me I used to shove playing cards one by one down the heat register. When I was older and moved out, she told me she found a deck of cards at the bottom : )
I know this is only the beginning of quirky things.....and while it frustrates you...all you can do is SMILE.... : )

Thursday, December 03, 2009


The Dominican Republic

Bob and I packed it up for Thanksgiving week and headed to the Dominican Republic for some rest and relaxation with Isabella. The only thing we couldn't take was Baxie. Our days were filled with sunshine (100 degrees plus), palm trees, friendly people, great food, sand, the ocean, and each other.
Too often enough, we all get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. Working. Fixing dinner. Running errands. Somewhere in there, we forget to take time out and breathe. Enjoy. Spend time with our families. Smile.
For one week, we got to spend some quality time with Isabella. The best week, by far, we ever spent. She loved the freedom of running around endlessly every day (not just the living room) and being with her mom and dad. In turn, we learned a great deal about her - more than just an hour at night each week or a few hours on the weekend! Everyone we encountered spoke Spanish - and now Izzy greets you with HO LA - which is hello in Spanish.
She laughed. She swam. She wore less clothes and loved it. She napped. She smiled from ear to ear. She played. And we - soaked it all up like a sponge. They are only this little once - and time goes by too quick for all of us!
We missed our families while we were away and are happy to be home!!

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...