Friday, January 29, 2010

The results are in

I called Izzy's allergist doctor today and we had a very pleasant, lengthy conversation about Isabella's food allergies and what to do moving forward. I am very thankful that he is patient and took so much time and care to explain everything to me so that I have a better understanding of her current situation. The results from her blood work came in this week and it shows that she has the highest allergy to EGGS and the second highest is MILK. I was surprised to learn that her scores were higher in the egg department rather than the milk. She still has an allergy to rice and soy, however they are a bit lower.
He referred me to two nutritionists who will instruct us on Izzy's nutrition plan for the near future. I called and talked with both nutritionist, but they do not accept our health insurance. My third call was to Aetna (our health insurance) - to see exactly what would be covered out of network and what we will be financially responsible for with the nutritionist. The last thing you want is a big medical bill before you know what you are getting into. It just takes a phone call....
Meanwhile, while I am waiting for the health insurance company to get back to me on costs, the allergist gave me a prescription for an EPIPEN Jr. (Epinephrine auto injector) in which I will get filled on Monday and carry around at all times as he instructed. If Izzy is to have a severe allergic reaction to eggs or milk, I (or others) are to put the needle into thigh through the skin, push the plunger down all the way and remove. If the pen is needed, after it is administered, Izzy is to go to the emergency room immediately and stay for at least 4 hours to be monitored and treated. Symptoms that would call for an EPIPEN Jr. to be administered would include swollen tongue, shortness of breath, hacking cough, and the list goes on. All other reactions call for 1 tsp. of benadryl.
She is 16 months old now, he advised to get her tested again at age 2 - which is not too far away. She may outgrow these allergies between now and then which would mean, no more special formula, no more special foods and no EPIPEN jr!! I have a good feeling that our big girl is going to OUTGROW all of this business real soon!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Brush The Teeth!

Morning and evening, one of our favorite activities is BRUSHING OUR TEETH! I brush my teeth 3, sometimes 4 times a day and love the way it feels! Pearly whites are the best! I also love my bi-annual dentist cleanings! So, I started Izzy off young, and now - she LOVES it too : ) I love it when she looks at me, smiles and says BRUSH YOUR TEETH!! SMILE!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Izzy Busy....

Izzy busy has been busy formulating sentences. Yesterday, she got to see her family at Claim Jumpers to celebrate several Vail family birthdays and today she got to drive the car around the grocery store. Her bangs were starting to hang in her eyes, so I took out the scissors and gave her a little trim. I put her first lock of hair in a ziplock baggie with a little note from mommy with the date to be read down the line.
She has been eating up a storm - perhaps going through a growth stage. Lots of chicken, fish, bananas, strawberries, sweet corn, green beans, toast, sweet potatos, carrots, watermelon....lots of fruit and veggies!
We will get her blood test results back this week and it will be time to go and see the nutritionist after that.
She must indeed be going through a growth phase (and it's raining outside - she always sleeps longer) because she has been ZZZZZing for over 3 1/2 hours.
Love and miss you all XOXOXOXO

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Label Reader

Nearly 80 percent of Americans say they check food labels! Do you? I do, mainly for fat and calorie content! I want to see if the item I am about to eat is worth it!
Today, I took Izzy to the allergist and they tested her for allergies to six items. I learned that she is allergic to four: milk, rice, eggs, and soy. We started out with the skin testing, and where she was most allergic to the food item - she got the biggest welt on her skin. The next step is to visit our pediatrician, get her off of the nutramigen formula and possibly have a medical formula prescribed for her so that she is getting her proper nutrients otherwise found in foods/milk she should be having at this age.
Meanwhile, we will take it one step at a time and I will read more labels cautiously. This does not come as a total surprise - she doesn't like eggs, rice or soy. She spits them right back out. I have so much to learn - for now - no pasta with eggs, no milk, no chocolate, no sweets, no cheese, no pudding, no sour cream, no mayonnaise, no this no that......
From birth, she has not been able to have milk based products-hence the special formula - the milk based ran right through her and she gets very FUSSY and crys her head off.
Once we visit the pediatrician, we need to get blood work done to determine what levels of each she is allergic to the most. In a SEVERE allergic reaction, she could develop hives, have trouble breathing and need an EpiPen - in which we would need to carry around with us at all times.
As her mother, I am allergic to shellfish and cats. Her father has allergies to grass, pollen, cats, trees and leaves. He used to have to get 3 allergy shots bi-weekly from 5 years old to highschool. On both sides, the grandmothers to Isabella had allergies to milk or still do.
Fortunately, many children will outgrow their allergy to milk, egg, wheat, and soy by the time they are 5 years old if they avoid the offending foods when they are young. KEY WORDS IN THIS SENTENCE ARE: IF the offending foods are AVOIDED when they are young.
You learn something new everyday!!

Friday, January 08, 2010

Izzy's First Accident - A Busted Lip

When I came home from work today, Grace told me that Izzy busted her lip. When I asked how - it was explained as this...."I told Izzy not to pull on the gate but she did, but bob was home when it happened." Bob explained to me that he was in the shower, heard a big THUMP and lots of crying. I guesstimate that Grace turned her head for a moment and Izzy fell down the stairs and busted her lip - even though there is a gate - there are two steps up before the gate.
Hmmm....The picture is not the greatest quality - but you can see the bump.
On another note. It occurred to me today that Izzy is 16 months old. I made an appointment to see her doctor - she needs to get 4 shots and she ALSO needs to get blood work done (see an allergy specialist) because: she can't drink milk, she can't drink soy milk, she can't drink rice milk and well....she is still on formula at her age.
While she is advanced in walking, talking up a storm - we need to figure out what is going on with her GI tract and eating! We shall see what happens...

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

New Year SHOULD = New Attitude By All...

Can you believe we are in 2010? Where does the time go? While most take this time to make resolutions, my thoughts wonder to this: Acknowledging the good that is already in your life is the FOUNDATION for all abundance. The fact is: Whatever you think the world is withholding from you, you are withholding from the world. You are withholding it because deep down you think you are small (perhaps) and that you have nothing to give.
Try this for a couple of weeks and see how it CHANGES your reality: Whatever you think people are withholding from you - whether it be praise, appreciation, assistance, loving care, money, and so on - GIVE IT TO THEM!!! You don't think you have it in you? TRY IT TODAY! Just act as if you had it, and it will COME!! Then, soon after you start giving, you will start RECEIVING!
The take home message here is this: You cannot RECEIVE what you do not GIVE. OUTFLOW determines INFLOW!!
Cheers to 2010 to all of our family and friends - may it be LOTS of open communication, HUGS, KISSES, LAUGHTER, going above and BEYOND, reaching your goals, and most importantly - BEING THERE for one another! We LOVE you all!!! XOXOX Thank you for being YOU!!!

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Fantasy Kingdom

This morning, Isabella and I ventured off to Fantasy Kingdom to meet Kim, Isabella, Renee and Emmett! The philosophy behind Fantasy Kingdom’s success is learning through play. Kids are allowed to create their own fun and drive their learning where they can let their imaginations run wild!

They offers slides, age-appropriate toys and plenty of room for kids to stretch out. Perfect for winter time in Chicago when it is only 2 degrees outside! Time spent at Fantasy Kingdom allows kids to grow physically, emotionally and spiritually. Kids learn to express themselves through simple actions like taking turns and sharing. Through these acts, children learn patience and consideration and these small steps are the foundation for raising conscientious, thoughtful and happy children!
Isabella played until she couldn't play anymore - from 10 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. She must have went down the slide at least 20 something times all by herself. I just stayed at the bottom and watched her climb up and come down. I have a feeling that some little girl is going to LOVE roller coasters (YES!!) when she gets older. I had so much fun watching her SMILE all day. Play with other little ones. Dress up. Smile some more. Ride in a car. Push around the shopping cart.

Friday, January 01, 2010

New Years Eve at Da Club

Did ya'll do any dancing last night? We did!! If this doesn't make you laugh, I don't know what will!

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...