Tuesday, January 25, 2011

And the bonding Continues......

between my two girls. Day by day, Isabella is warming up more and more to Giselle. Just recently, Isabella has been doing the following:
-As shown in the picture, Isabella likes to help feed her baby sister.
-Giselle was crying in the car yesterday the whole way home and Isabella kept saying over and over, "Don't cry baby sister, IT's OKAY."
-Isabella will go and get a burping cloth when I am feeding the baby.
-Isabella is quick to tell me when the baby sister is crying or has the hiccups or is hungry.
-And lastly, Isabella just started giving her baby sister a kiss and hug everyday.
Nothing beats checking in on them at night, only to see they are all snuggled up in bed sleeping peacefully.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Isabella Marie & Giselle Eloise

So yesterday, I was walking around the house with Giselle in the Moby and all of a sudden Isabella looked at me and said "I want to hold my baby sister." I immediately stopped what I was doing and said, "You do?" And she said YES. Off we went to the couch and Isabella sat down, looked at me and held her arms out. Priceless.
It was the first time that Isabella showed an interest in holding her baby sister and I honed in on the opportunity. While she held her, she was all smiles and loved up on her.
Today, Isabella is throwing up and still has the diaherrea. No fever though. This marks day seven of the diaherrea. She even got the flu shot. I hope tomorrow when we go to the doctor, we find out what has been causing her to have the runs for 7 days straight. Poor girl doesn't feel good. And that's no fun for anyone.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Could It Be?

That Giselle has an allergy to soy? I went back in time to see when Isabella started screaming her head off. To when nothing I did soothed her, to when she had the runs, to when she didn't sleep. To when I almost lost my mind. It was approximately 15 days after birth.
Today I had one of those days where my little one wouldn't stop screaming her head off and where I almost lost my mind. She slept a half hour the entire day, projectile vomited quite a few times and at the end, just wouldn't take her bottle of soy formula. Not to mention she is constipated - another sign of an allergy to formula. And you know what today is? The 15th day mark. I feel like it's deja vu all over again.
Right now, at last, she is finally sleeping peacefully. I have temporarily switched her formula, as I cannot take another moment of watching her suffer all day as she did today. In the meantime, I will keep my fingers crossed that my little one feels better very, very soon and that she doesn't have several allergies.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Sleepy Baxie

It's been a while and I bet your wondering how Baxie is doing and handling all of the chaos in the Vail household. Well for starters, his sleep schedule has been disturbed. I often find him sacked out in our bed during the day or snoozing some Zzzz's in Isabella's castle in her room. Poor Baxie! He is eating like a champ though and could use to lose a few pounds. Just got groomed, so he is looking handsome and he still brings me a toy to play fetch. Till next time......

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Baby Sister

Big sister Isabella is adjusting to her baby sister quite well. She is starting to say her name "Giselle" but mostly calls her "my baby sister." Isabella is quick to tell me when the baby is crying or sleeping and also is being a big girl helper! When I am feeding Giselle, she brings me a burping cloth and places it on my shoulder. I think she keeps practicing the feeding with her doll! Izzy also hands me the bottle of formula or helps to put it in the refrigerator if it goes unused.
The best is when she leans over and gives Giselle a kiss on the forward and says "LOVE YOU."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Giselle is One Week Old

And here is where time begins to fly. Seems like just yesterday I was strolling around in a furniture store with my mother - shopping for couches. Not only did we both get beautiful couches a week ago, but we also gained an addition to the family. A day to never be forgotton and forever to be cherished and remembered.
Giselle is officially one week old and is doing very well. She is busy eating and sleeping the days away. So far, no signs of being allergic to her soy formula. I keep my fingers crossed that it will continue to be that way!
Grandma Chug has been a HUGE help and has been at the house helping take care of Giselle all week! It has been very nice to have some loving, experienced hands in the house to try and get the Vail's back up and running after the new addition to the fam. Tomorrow, when she goes home I will be forced to have conversations with Baxter and my plants. HA HAAAA......
I just went back in time in the blog and looked with Bob at the pictures of Isabella when she was first born in September 2008 - Bob and I can't believe how much the two look alike as newborns.
Time will tell. Until the next blog......

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Meet Giselle Eloise Vail

For 9 months, I have walked along holding Izzy's 2-year-old hand, basking in the glow of our magical relationship. Feeling kicks from within, as if to remind me that our time alone was limited and there would soon be two. And all the while I wondered: how could I ever love another child as much as I love Isabella?
And then she entered the world........ Giselle Eloise Vail was born on January 3, 2011 at 9:29 p.m. weighing 7 pounds, 3 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long with a full head of beautiful, blond hair.
It dawns on me that love doesn't divide, it multiplies. Just when you think your heart can't possibly love anymore, something amazingly MAGICAL happens............ - The Gift Of Life.
I can't wait to watch Izzy, Giselle and Bax grow together. Right now, they are all trying to figure each other out.

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...