Sunday, June 28, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

here FISHY FISHY.....

Isabella Marie had her first swimming experience this past weekend and by her actions, I think she loved it. They say that as young as 5 days old, babies are being taught the initial steps for learning to swim. Babies are used to being surrounded by water and will take to swimming easier than a child who is older. Who knew? The older kids develop fears and inhibitions and sometimes these fears can already have taken hold by ten to fifteen months of age.

When newborn babies learn the art of swimming they exercise new muscles, strengthen the brain, and bond even more quickly with the parents. Studies have shown that babies who've learned to swim very early developed advanced motor skills, social skills and often - a slightly higher intelligence level. Babies who have learned to swim as an infant are also more likely to walk quicker than babies that didn't.

Babies have a mammal-like instinct when it comes to going underwater - they automatically hold their breath. Other techniques involve blowing in the baby's face just before going under the water. The quick rush of air in the baby's face causes them to "catch" their breath and as you go under they will automatically hold it.

Keep up the good work Izzy!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I wanna put on my BOOGIE SHOES just to boogie with you....

Isabella put on her boogie shoes and jammed out at the Blues Festival in Grant Park for hours. The Chicago Blues Festival is the largest free blues festival in the world and remains the largest of Chicago's Music Festivals. During three days on six stages, more than 640,000 blues fans proved that Chicago is the "Blues Capital of the World."
We spread out a blanket in the park and listened to some great blues by the Mississippi Juke Joint stage. Little girl might have some grooves, as she was swaying, smiling and laughing, and yeah - shakin somethin - but it sure wasn't what her mamma gave her!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

WHY is my dog not SOCIAL?

It's a beautiful sunshine day in Chicago and almost 80 degrees. Perfect for a nice walk with Baxter. I ride my bike home from work, scoop him up and we are off to a date in the dog park! YA HOOO...
I get there and there is over 10 people there and at least 9 dogs and I think to myself - doesn't anyone work - it is 3:40 p.m.! DOGS GALORE everywhere. The dogs sniff each other out and I stroll to the chair to pop a squat and work a crossword puzzle or two and talk to the woman sitting next to me. Well, Baxie goes by the entrance of the fence and just sits there. All the other dogs are playing TOGETHER. I call my dog back. He comes and sits by me under the chair. Cool - maybe I can attempt to figure this puzzle out on such a nice day (I just want to remind you the whole reason I went to the dog park was for him to mingle). 2.5 seconds later I snap out of my crosswords and I hear some lady saying - Is that your DOG running down the street? Boy do I feel like a winner for doing crosswords...
I BOLT LIKE LIGHTNING....down the street I go - 3 other men are chasing him - he is running home and some dumb @#$ left the gate of the dog park open. All the other dogs continue to play and mine runs out.
Point is - I take Baxie to the dog park to play with other dogs and he does one of two things - either lays by me OR sits by the entrance/exit. I keep taking him there and trying, but I think he just likes to "BE BY" and I totally understand.

Izzy's 2nd week of CRAWLING

A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about Isabella ALMOST being able to crawl. Here is Izzy "cruising" after Bax. I can honestly say that I feel for Bax. Do you see how she plays hide and seek and screams at him? His poor ears...I am surprised they have not fallen off. The last video sums it up.

No wonder he hangs out on the bed upstairs by himself.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

To You My Sweet Friend

for always listening. for laughing. for crying. for sharing treasured moments with family and friends. for loving up on Isabella. for venting with one another after a tough days work. for sharing a cocktail now and then. for being thoughtful. for gossiping. for sharing yummy foods together. for giving advice. for being sympathetic. and for learning.

For sharing secrets - most recently - I confessed to Monica that I can't really remember anything unless I write about it or take a picture. She always thought I was being "anal" with trying to plan and coordinate everything - but that wasn't the case. She learned that I have 4 different calendars, make daily and weekly lists of things to accomplish, blog frequently and take lots of pictures. What happened in my childhood? I don't always remember, ask Piggy she remembers everything. I make detailed photo albums with names and dates. Why? Because I forget....everything....unless I make a reminder. I am good at documenting, visualizing and referencing - not necessarily verbalizing.

I am 30 something not 60 and am supposed to have a mind of a whipper snapper - if that is such a word. And it's been this way my whole life. My good friend convinces me weekly that I have A.D.D....... At the end of day, I just smile at her for it is all about timing in life. And right now, it feels good because we are at the right place, at the right time....TOGETHER and we can relate. Gracia's Senorita!

9 Months??!!

Isabella Marie had her 9 month check up yesterday with the doctor and weighs 21 pounds and is 30 inches long! Isabella also started crawling today and is chasing Baxie to his amazement. In fact, he runs to the other corner of the house and just sits there. You can tell he does not like this part. While baxie is getting older, Izzy is getting faster. There used to be a rivalry in the house about the Cubs vs. The White Sox but perhaps now it could be shifting to IZZY VS. BAXIE.....

Only time will tell, but I know, deep down inside, they love each other. She smiles everytime she sees him and crawls after him around the house. Every morning, he hears her waking up while I am pouring my cup of coffee. He walks down the hallway, pushes his nose against her bedroom door to open it, walks over to her crib and jumps up. She rolls over, smiles and goes AHHHHHHH. After he sees her, he goes to the living room and waits for me to bring her out of the bedroom, only to come and sit by her.

Everytime she eats, he is there by her side, waiting patiently for anything, something to fall from the high chair. I feed her crackers, she holds them out to Baxie and smiles at him. He takes them....
Perhaps for now, they are both just playing hard to get!

Monday, June 08, 2009

Printer's Row Lit Fest

Over the weekend, Izzy went to the Midwest's largest literary event! Printer's Row Lit Fest featured unique booksellers, poetry readings, exhibitors, kids activities, cooking demos and wine tastings!
Izzy met a new friend, but she was not sure of him.........

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Suds and Duckies

Izzy Goes CAMPING.....Lake Kegonsa State Park

Over the river and through the woods, to camping in Lake Kegonsa State Park we went with five other couples. Nestled among the oaks with our friends, we enjoyed the beautiful weather! Saturday the boys went fishing and caught several bass that we grilled for lunch and the girls visited the farmer's market in downtown Madison. I really enjoyed the farmer's market - it was the BIGGEST I think I have ever been to. They seem small here in Chicago. They had fruits, vegetables, fresh baked cheese bread - cheese curds that "SQUEAK" between your teeth and cookies to die for, piggy banks, clothing items and the list goes on and on. And downtown Madison is beautiful.
We decided to take advantage of the trails and went on a five mile hike and Izzy is quite the adventurer!

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...