Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Wagon Ride

For Christmas, the girls received their very own red wagon from grandma and grandpa. And what a great gift that will last for years and years to come! Today, they said it was going to be 60 degrees outside. They were wrong about their forecast, however I did take the girls on a wagon ride to enjoy some warmer weather.
At first, I had both girls in and they were enjoying a nice ride. Then Isabella told me she wanted to pull Baby G. And she did....she pulled Baby G all the way home. About a half of a mile or so. All in all, we were out there for about 30 minutes. Needless to say, they enjoyed themselves so much that it has been 3 hours, and they are both still SLEEPING. What a GREAT wagon. It has magic powers to make kids sleep longer.....awesome!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Iz kid down for the second time this month

At the beginning of January (Jan. 6-9Th to be exact), Isabella had a fever of 102 for four straight days. I took her to the doctor and he prescribed amoxicillian, in which she took for 10 days starting on the 10Th of January. So she took this prescription until the 19Th of January.
On Friday, January 27Th (7 days later), I received a call from the school that Isabella had 102 fever and we needed to pick her up. On the 28Th and 29Th, her fever has been 103. After a conversation with my mother on Saturday, I had decided it was time to make an emergency call to our doctor. I left a voicemail and he called me back with the explanation that we should "wait it out." I was not happy with him. Shocker.
It was then that I got really firm and said, "Listen, I am not a doctor, but there is clearly something wrong here." Perhaps the amox didn't clear whatever she had up the first time. Or perhaps amox does nothing for her. But she should NOT have a fever of 103.4! At some points, her coloring was really off as well.
In any case, he prescribed a new medication for her to take for 14 days. Amox plus something else that is a little stronger. I vaguely remembering this happening to her last year? I am going to call on Monday when the office is open and inquire about her drug history - so I know for future if Amox works or not for her.
Hopefully, little Iz kid will start feeling better soon. She has been up every couple of hours every night, no eating, no playing and not her usually spunky self.
Feel better Iz kid and I hope you stay healthy Baby G. And thanks to you - you know who you are. For giving me that little talk or push that I needed to be firmer.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hungry HUNGRY Hippo

Did you ever play hungry hungry hippo when you were a kid? I did, with my next door neighbors Jenny and Chrissy. For those that are sensitive to loud banging, it is definitely not the game to be around. The object of the game is for your hippo to eat up as many round things as possible. Izzy, Tristan and Giselle loved it. Giselle wanted to play so bad.....

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Fun Weekend with the Vail's/Lux's

The weekend started off with a yummy breakfast with the Vail's/Lux family where we celebrated all of the January birthdays. Then we went on to a play zone where Isabella, Tristan and Giselle played endlessly for hours.
We finished the weekend off with the football game on Sunday and the Lux family came over for some good company and eats. We had a honey glazed ham, sweet potato casserole, baked macaroni and cheese, baked beans, a loaf of french bread topped off with birthday cake. Isabella and Tristan had so much fun playing together. When he left, she said...MOMMY...I REALLY LIKE TRISTAN.
And it's so fun watching all three cousins play together.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy - 36 years old that is

Today is Cowboy Bob's birthday. Isabella picked out a cake for daddy...her favorite, Buzz and Woody - from Toy Story, her favorite movie. So we had Happy Birthday Cowboy Bob frosted onto the cake - a name originated from a trip to Palm Springs one year...complete with a volleyball game, some chillers and a cowboy hat...and the SUNSHINE.
Last night, I told Bob in bed that he would be turning 33 today. But he was quick to inform me that he was turning 36. I sorely apologized. With the explanation that my sister is only 34. My mom is 54 and my dad is 56. And I am 30. WE ARE ALL STILL REALLY YOUNG IN MY EYES. and ALWAYS will be.
We celebrated Bob's birthday with a special dinner - steamed mussels in a white wine sauce over pasta. Boy oh boy are mussels tricky little suckers to get home from the fish market. They are one of the most temperamental foods I have ever cooked with. Or transported for that matter. They have to be at just the right temperature while they are in transport otherwise they open up and then they are no good. Perhaps that is why they are so intriguing and TASTY.
All in all was a good day for bob's birthday, but busy. He spent his birthday traveling - put at least 400 miles on his car traveling to meet different mayors and I spent the day at work as well. We came home, fed the girls dinner, gave them bath's and celebrated bob's 33rd birthday (HA) with a nice dinner, cake and ice cream. Isabella couldn't wait to have cake. And when she had it, for some reason, she looked like Dawn Marie when she was a little girl. Even if the celebration was at 8 p.m., we still had fun. May all of your wishes come true cowboy!! Love you today, and everyday.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Girls Doctor Visit

Yesterday, the girls went to the doctor for their check-up. Isabella's 3 year old check up and Giselle's 1 year old check up.
Giselle's height is 30.5 inches, her weight is 19 lbs and her head cir is 45.25 cm. She received 3 shots and a prick on her finger.
Isabella received one shot and weighs 32.5 pounds, her height is 39.25 and her head cir is 49 cm. Look at the numbers. Giselle is only one years old and her head cir is almost as big as her 3 year old sister, Isabella.
Both girls are doing very well. They were a little tired from their shots yesterday but all is well. Isabella is over being sick.
They just built a new hospital about 5 minutes away from the house, so I am going to look at changing pediatrician's this week. This will be my third change in doctors for the girls. Our current doctor is about 20 minutes away from our house each way. I will be excited for a 5 minute car ride and hopefully, some good, quality healthcare.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

WHERE is the QUALITY of CARE or CUSTOMER SERVICE for that matter?

Today, I received a call from the school. Giselle is running 102 fever. Have to go and pick her up - at 11:30 a.m. I call the doctor and ask to speak with the nurse - there are none for the day. Say What? So I leave a message for the doctor. He calls me back at 6:20 p.m. Really? Perhaps my expectations are way to high, however I expected a call back sooner than this evening with whether or not I should bring her in based on her symptoms too close to Isabella's.
So he call's me back and I start telling him Giselle's symptoms. I reference that I am sure he can remember from our appt. yesterday that she was quite fussy. Perhaps she had a fever then. So he asked me how old each of the girls were. I told him Izzy was 3 and Giselle was 1. So then he said.....well keep Isabella on her antibiotics and just monitor her.
WHOAAA.... I said WHAT?? I am not calling about Isabella, I am calling about Giselle. So should I just keep an eye on her and give her pain reliever? He says YES. REALLY? First, you keep me waiting in your office for almost 2 hours yesterday, second I call you and you can't even keep which kid I am referencing straight here. REALLY??!! WOW!
Where is the quality of care here OR customer service. Perhaps we were spoiled, however when we took Isabella to her doctor at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago - it was 5 stars, 100% quality care, all day every day. The doctor rocked! No customer service issues or doctor visit issues.
Cheers to hoping both Giselle and Isabella feel better soon....and to me for finding a happy medium in quality care provided by physician's for the girls.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Can I feed Giselle

This morning at breakfast, Isabella asked me if she could feed Giselle. SURE THING I replied. So I got her all set up and she was so proud to be feeding baby G. And judging by Giselle's smiles, I think she liked it too!
On another note, Isabella has not been feeling well since last Thursday. She had a fever for four days, a cough and green and yellow gook coming out of her nose. My dr.'s appt. was at 10:15 a.m. I arrived at 9:50. They took us back in the room at 10:00 a.m. The doctor finally came in the room to see us at 11:35 a.m.
I was so mad that I was seeing red. I knew if I opened my mouth and said something about waiting over an hour and a half to be seen, that nothing nice at all would come out or of the situation. When I get that mad, I can't even talk. My time is just as valuable as his. There is no eating or drinking in the office. Baby G was STARVING and by this time it was her nap time. Isabella's too. They were both screaming their heads off. You get my drift.
After that circus, he prescribed amoxicillian for Isabella to treat her sinustis. He also mentioned that she probably had a touch of the flu as well. I hope Baby G remains healthy through this.
Next week, I have a dr.'s appt. for BOTH girls for their wellness check up's - Giselle's one year and Isabella's three year. Perhaps I will show up to my appointment with the girls an hour and a half late..........

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Happy First Birthday Giselle Eloise Vail

Today officially marked exactly one year since Giselle Eloise Vail was born. I think I say this often, but I am not exactly sure where the last year went. FLEW BY at light speed. Giselle enjoyed staying home with her sister and playing the day away.
I made her four teddy bear mini cakes and also twelve cake pops. She dipped her hands in the frosting and took a bite of her cake. I remember with Izzy - she wanted nothing to do with her cake or frosting! She did not want to get her hands dirty at all.
Happy Birthday to Giselle - enjoy the video and then there are a few pictures of her opening her card from Grandpa Dale and Grandma Chug, Isabella enjoying a cake pop and also Isabella giving her sister a special BIRTHDAY KISS.

Monday, January 02, 2012


Poor Baxie...2012 is not starting out to be such a great year for him. He went to the groomers on Saturday and ever since, he has been bleeding all over the house. Hiding. Not being himself. His nail has been bothering him. Bob wanted to take matters into his own hands and clip his nail, but I had decided that this was a job for the pros. So I called the animal hospital.
Today he went, and they had to put him under. He had an infected nail and came home with a bandaged up foot and a prescription for amoxicillian.
Hoping Baxie gets better soon....

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...